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Well, I think this is, as many people have claimed, a perfect submission. This was amazingly well done with fantastic artwork. My favorite was the CGI bits. I still had no idea what was going on and you know what? That's just fine. I loved how distinct the characters were.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Ena. This series has become iconic for a reason I really understand now. It's delightfully bizarre. I also love the design of the character in the beginning. I don't know why this mask is floating around. I don't need to.

Aww, what a cute little cartoon! This had such great animation and nice characters. I think my only complaint was that it needed more of a story. Rook's a pretty cool name. I don't know what Partridge is. Some kind of big dog thing?

I knew this cute little girl wasn't a murderer. All the characters are cute. Even the song at the end is nice. It didn't need flashy action. It just needed to be quaint.

Hmm, I didn't know this was actually in the game. I mean, it's quite reminiscent of the game itself. I just don't understand the music. It works so well as a loop. I've never seen a piranha plant walk like that. I mean, walk at all really.

They all seem so happy. I liked how colorful it was. I couldn't understand what they were trying to say. I don't think it was meant to be anything. You seem to know more about the game than I do.

Congratulations on your graduation! I love this animation! It seemed like it was taking a darker turn. I mean, everyone would be drowning! They seem to be doing just fine. It doesn't seem like weather that would make any sense.

Then again, it's still wonderfully creative. I thought it was a dream or metaphor at first with how everything was suddenly underwater. It was in fact real. I don't know what "Zwic" means. What a great way to cool off.

SALCUL responds:

Zwic is the name of the city (and it comes from (Ze Water Is Coming) and it looks Croatian)
thx for your messageā™„

Greyfon looks like David Hasselhoff. I was reminded of the Spongebob movie. Anyway, it was great to see all these different styles. You were on the seventh level halfway through! It was so cool to hear a real voice in this. You need to pay voice actors!

It was cool seeing Carrie Fisher and Robin Williams there. Hey, George Lucas is still alive! Well, he's dead to most of us. It's weird to see such a long submission that isn't on Clock Day. You guys put effort into this.

Oh, this started off as quite fun. Then it just kind of ended abruptly. I wanted it to escalate more. Still, this is a fun cartoon. Damn it, I feel bad for never having heard of "Lethal Company" before. I mean, this looks like a good game.

It reminded me of "Portal". The monsters reminded me of the head crabs from "Half-Life". Oh yeah, those are in the same Universe! Should Universe be capitalized or not? Whatever, this was a good quick cartoon.

I liked this, but I just didn't think it was great. It was mostly because it was too short. It would have worked better as like a gif. Well, it probably needed sound. It was fine as something quite short. I loved the title.

It was indeed experimental. I can like those. This just didn't amount to all that much. This reminds me of some other stuff you did. The spikes are a nice touch.

jumpbreak96 responds:

zipy is boring ... just presentation ; there will be Stuff with way More production in some months (january?) with zippy; thanks

This was a great capture of the film! I was thinking this might be part of a re-animated collab. It seems like everything is nowadays. It's just a great cartoon in itself. I do indeed remember this. I don't drink coffee.

You can tell he's young. I love how realistic this movie was. They manage to capture the spirit of a kid this age so well. With a movie about a giant robot, that's hard to do. I do recall the '50s setting.

GoldennJoy responds:

Yes! This movie is a classic. I love the way it was set in the late 50's and how they managed the topics around those years. It's kind of refreshing watching this movie nowadays, especially the way they wrote Hogarth as a curious kid with a good heart and intentions.

Thank you for your words. :)

Oh, I get it all now. This was indeed intended to be a movie with the opening scene. I was wondering why it started with "Game Over". I...still don't know. This was still a nice little cartoon. The name sounds like that Batman villain.

This opening was just pretty good. The animation could be better. It's still just fine for a quick watch. Well, most of the stuff that gets the highest ratings here are short anyway. The game is much better.

Oh yeah, a Thanksgiving cartoon makes perfect sense! I just loved hearing about this. Anyway, this was wonderful to watch. I didn't go to see my family this year. They live hours away. I just went to a Thanksgiving party at work and boy, was I full.

It's great that you make fun of "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving". That hasn't been parodied that many times. That cranberry sauce was indeed amazing. I didn't even know that kind existed! I've seen nothing but that store bought stuff my whole life.

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