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I didn't think this was great, but it was definitely good. The best part was the animation. It was so beautiful here! It looked like she was making blue waffles at first. Oh, I've heard about those on the Internet. I want to stop there about it.

So wait, he did in fact eat it? I mean, he's shown throwing the empty plate. At least a good steak wasn't ruined! Wait no, I meant blue pancakes. It's quite a subtle cartoon.

I have to admit I didn't really care for this much. I expected something better from you. This was still alright. I haven't seen an "Iron Man" cartoon here in awhile. Well, he is dead in the MCU after all. The name sounds like Baman and Piderman.

How would you smoke in space? Would the fire explode? I guess fire can't explode. This was just okay for me. I never heard of this animation app. How long until we get AI generated stuff here?

Damn, that was gorgeously animated! I really had no idea what was going to happen next. I thought it was just beautiful animation from the get go! We've gotten some great stuff lately. My favorite part might have been the headless body fighting. We get some great fight choreography from that.

Everything was just so nicely paced. I don't seem to be familiar with your work. It's hard to keep up with everyone nowadays. I thought they were already split up from the beginning. I'm glad it didn't turn up that way. You know how to make some goofy faces.

I can wait until 2024. It's so weird how the Spongebob one came right away. I don't even like this movie that much. I know I'll still love this collab! I have seen many of the parts already. Dorito's are awesome.

My favorite part might have been 0:40. Pidgy, you're awesome! You guys are all awesome of course! I only saw the movie once as a kid. Yes, it would have been better if there was an "Emperor's New Groove" collab.

WesMakowski responds:

two references to the Emperor's New Groove in the El Dorado Redialed so that's as close as we'll get to make a collab version of that film. Try re-watching El Dorado, you notice a lot more when you're older...

This was awesome! I can't believe it only got 5th place! I know nothing about Vergil. I at least know about "Devil May Cry". It's great to see this spectacular animation. Yes, I know what the Bloop is.

It was in fact disproven. This was still fantastic, what with all the reactions and everything. It continually makes jokes for five minutes. The "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" thing is way more outdated than anything else. Is there a "Devil May Cry" section here?

Bobert-Rob responds:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's a Devil May Cry section or playlist or whatever. It's an older series, but it certainly has its place on NG. I only ever played the 2nd one myself (often lauded as the worst), but a fan donated money and requested I do something with the Vergil character, so I figured why not? It was fun enough. I'm glad it's getting any kind of recognition, it's really difficult to get anyone on NG to really pay attention to my work.

Oh, and yeah, Bloop's fake as fuck. But that's part of why I use him. I can do whatever stupid shit I want with the character and it doesn't matter.

It was fun to have something from "The Simpsons". You can really quote them anymore. I especially loved Mr. Burns' design. Well, the guy with this voice. I don't know the characters from "Smiling Friends", okay? I could see the dig joke coming.

It was still quite enjoyable. The movements were very nice. Maybe the heart could have been more...anthropomorphic? It still got the joke across. The animation is quite slick.

You know, I think this was a bit disappointing. There's usually some bigger joke in this. I was just hoping for more to happen. I guess it was at least unique. It just panned down to an object. This was too short even for you.

Nice eye in the title. That might have been the most creative part. It wasn't much of a song. I do love "Monty Python And The Holy Grail". You can't go wrong with that.

Was she directly talking to me, the audience? Anyway, I'm too tired to do that. Whatever, this is still fine. I just wish it was, you guessed it, longer. The animation is still pretty good. She doesn't need a nose.

She looks so small. It looks like she's on a desk. Like, she got shrunk down or something. The shading's pretty good. I appreciate small details like that.

do-ubt responds:

I appreciate your comments.

It might be directed at you; feel free to interpret it as you like. But if you ask me... it's talking to Scott, haha.

This was just an experiment; I'll bring longer proposals soon.

Wow, that was very short. It was still very well animated. I'm glad you are in fact passionate about art. I submitted on piece of art and it was my highest rated thing ever! That's still not impressive at all. These are some good backgrounds.

I just wish there was more to this. I guess the joke works because of how well drawn it was. I think that was the intention at least. I'm glad the credits were too long. I just don't think it's worthy of that high a score.

Wow, this was awesome! I had no idea that it would be this good! Maybe it got a bit too wacky. It was still wonderful. Everything was just wonderfully detailed. The colors were fantastic!

I'm becoming a fan of yours. Yeah, we've all seen car commercials. This deserves this high rating. It's almost like "Helluva Boss". It's just so wonderfully bright.

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