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You know, I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever have a FNF Day. We've done so many submissions about them here! Anyway, this was great because it wasn't too furry. I'm not into the furry fandom at all...except Rouge. I appreciate how well animated it was. That's pretty common.

Girlfriend seems to have a lot more personality here. She isn't that well developed in the game. For something short, this has a lot going on. Maybe it could have used more of a background? It's very cute.

This should have a rating of at least like 4.62. I was amazed at how long this was! I mean, normally stuff that long is like a collab or based on Mario or something. This was a completely original idea! Dang, we could almost market this as a Newgrounds movie! I was thinking it would be nothing but pure action. You instead make the villain rather sympathetic.

The animation was of course amazing. I know the mythology of dragons and their longing for gold. Or was that just something from "The Hobbit"? Even the minor townsfolk had unique details. I'm still going to say "Slush Invaders Duel" was your best submission. This was still an incredible film.

Wow, I was truly impressed by this! I mean, I wasn't expecting anything that good. The animation was fantastic. Everything was just constantly bouncing around. It was hard to keep up with everything! I guess I did wish this was longer.

I can understand why it was so short. I don't know why, but it reminded me of "Spy Vs. Spy". The colors here were wonderfully bright. Those are some cute fangs you have. It was just so wonderfully fast paced.

Dang, I knew this was going to be something really dirty. I was hoping it would be a subversion. It was! Then it wasn't. You kind of lost points with that. It's weird to refer to a mom and her son's names like that in the title.

Well, that might be the least of her problems. Still, it ended up being funny albeit in a very gross way. The animation was really great! It's amazing how much you can do without color. I still have to recommend it, if only because it was unpredictable.

This might be the longest cartoon you've ever made. It's sadly not one of your best. It's still not one of your best. The sounds were as good as ever. That's a cute little princess. I thought she would kiss him. Instead, it became something rather bizarre.

That was quite cartoonish even by your standards. This may be your strangest submission. It was definitely creative. I can always appreciate that. I'm not sure if I like this green knight that much.

When I first saw this, I thought it would be the entire movie re-animated! I was then thinking there'd be no way, as that would be too long. It was still great to see everyone together like this. I was expecting everyone to be credited. I lost count of the scenes after 15. You still get so much done.

It was nice to see the live-action bits too. A little bit here is nice every now and then. It's been awhile since we've seen Matrix related stuff here. Maybe we need some references to "The Matrix Resurrections". Yes, that could have been better. It was still better than Revolutions.

WesMakowski responds:

sadly this wasn't the full movie, but there will be a vote on our Patreon in a few months to determine which of our "Short Film" will become our 4th full length collab film. Our previous Mean Girls Short collab will be on the roster as well.

In the mean time, we're working on our 2nd film, El Dorado Redialed (full collab film of "The Road to El Dorado") so watch out for that. Before that, we'll have two more short films coming very soon. The Matrix is an iconic film that only ages better with time. Thanks for your comments :)

Wow, what a nice cartoon! I'm glad I didn't miss this one. Was this submitted on Saint Patrick's Day? How ironic I would watch it on Mother's Day, another holiday! Well, this had nothing to do with mothers. I found myself rooting for this guy.

I just wish he had gotten that job. He did learn the right thing at the end. I was thinking that the whole cartoon would be a music video. I guess I'm glad it wasn't.

Wow, I was surprised you managed to keep this going on so long. I had no idea it would be this long! I appreciate how good the animation is. You've captured the spirit of the game so well. You still had that cool animation up there the whole time. It could get a little gross at time.

It's still wonderful. I like the bow the female Magnemite wears. I mean, it can be hard to tell their gender difference. The Steelix seemed to be animated differently. It was probably the eyes.

Dang, that was short even for you. Anyway, this animation was great. The best part was probably how it all makes sense. The thing is that I love lemon bars. The bitterness of the lemon is all taken out! You have to put in sugar to make lemonade.

I guess that lemon phrase is right. You still need water and of course sugar. Lemon usually means something else on the Internet. You should...know about that. Anyway, this was fine.

I don't know what makes this Goku Day. I've never heard of this holiday before. Well, there's a holiday for everything nowadays. I thought this was way too short. It was just Goku powering up. That was it.

I expected more action in a "Dragonball Z" flash. I do appreciate how well it's animated. It's just not good for me. I guess it is kind of honoring him. I was just expecting more.

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