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Wow, I had no idea this would come back! What a series fauxnale! It's really hard to surpass something labeled as "Final Step". Then again, "Friday The 13th" did it TWICE. It's just great to see this series back again after eight years! I always want people to be active.

I have no idea what this will be about. You don't even show anything here! I'm glad you showed stuff from the previous episodes. It really does get you hyped up. The animation and characters look as fantastic as ever.

It was tons of fun to see this! It reminds me of the cartoon "Robots Are Stupid". This wasn't quite as good because it probably should have had some dialogue. I still love how you depict this robot so well. It reminds me of that miniseries. That was the Syfy channel, right?

The animation was great. It was nice how you set up a story in this. I guess this robot had to feel something. I guess the tin man wasn't technically a robot. These two seem to have the same desires, though.

This was a great cartoon! When I first heard the title, I thought it would be "Barbie Girl". I'm pretty glad it wasn't. I thought it might be a foreign remix of it or something. My only complaint is that it was too short. You could easily do so much more with this.

It was just great to see these sketches. They showed great dynamics. There's always tons of action going on. I know it was really hard to anime this. I'm glad you used your own series.

I didn't care for this much. It was basically just some random chipmunk words. I thought this would feature either Foamy or Alvin And The Chipmunks. Okay, Foamy's technically a squirrel. It's something about high voiced singers that people like. Well, that are popular.

I guess it was kind of interesting for its concept. I like the idea of being reincarnated as a squirrel. I mean, I'd never want to do that myself, but it's a cool idea. You just did little with that. I guess it wasn't terrible.

RIP my good friend. Okay, I never knew you, but I've reviewed your stuff. The best part is when he's fighting those three black enemies at once. My only disappointment was that you didn't show the toads fighting the kingdom much. This was so weird, because it was a dream in the actual game with Wart! The sprite effects were great.

I feel bad for never playing this actual game. Yeah, it was weird with how you revived Luigi off screen. At least there's an explanation for it! This holds up pretty well. We all miss your brilliance, dude.

This was one of the best things you've ever done! I admit that I was kind of tired of the same old routine. Instead, you made something brand new with this! It was much less cartoonish than anything else you've done before. I appreciate the great colors. It was so unpredictable.

You show emotion in a more realistic way. I can always appreciate that. I knew she was going to turn into a superhero. It was just something about her gloves. Short, but awesome. I'm so glad you're still on this website.

I am so glad to be seeing a spoof after watching the movie! Yeah, I guess this does technically contain spoilers. I still thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't know how Kylo Ren can play his lightsaber like that. It would turn his hands! This had great animation.

I'm just glad this website can be topical. We need to have as much recent stuff as possible. Weird, I haven't seen any "Frozen" animations here. Yeah, I was disappointed there was no mention of Jar-Jar in the movie either. They should have made him an old miser guilt tripped for helping the Emperor.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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