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It was weird, because I thought this was going to be something genuinely cute. It was in fact a parody. Yeah, I really should read the author's comments more. Anyway, this was still good. It helps that you still keep the cutesy spirit up. The animation was quite good.

It wasn't too cruel or anything. I was afraid you'd show death with the pills or something. I guess this isn't quite anti medication. It's just fun for what it is. I enjoyed most of it.

I loved this! It helps that it's awesome right from the beginning. I love how the blue guy has a red guy and the red guy has a blue car. Those guys have the best conversations. It's great to see that joke come in at the end. I love the funny sound effects when they get punched.

This is some of Dr. Bob's best work. Then again, a lot of people here haven't seen the finale... I just love the cheesy voice work and animation. I like seeing the little intestines. Wow, that's deranged.

I thought this was just going to be something that would show off a fast game of chess. I am so glad that it was more than that I really do appreciate how good the animation is. It makes me wish I knew more about chess. I have no idea how the point system works. The sounds are great too.

You didn't know what would happen next in this. It was just nice to see the action these guys had. They didn't even grow limbs! I'm so glad it was so creative. You showed great perspective too.

I enjoyed this. I am kind of surprised that the rating is so low. Then again, my own rating isn't that much higher. I admit that the clip art animation looked kind of cheap. It's still worth checking out. It seems like you were trying to be philosophical with this.

It was cool to see these random images. I couldn't quite understand the lyrics, though. The music was still pretty nice. Wow, that's a lot of songs for one CD. Then again, I don't know much about CDs.

Yeah, it was pretty easy to tell that this was completely random. It's hard to even pick a favorite part. Maybe it's the one where the guy is on the clock tower? The music was fantastic. I guess it did live up to its title after all. These guys certainly seemed to be in a rush.

They all have fairly unique designs. I especially like the helmeted guy at the beginning. It could have used color, though. It's still gorgeous to look at. It's the great details that you are known for.

This is yet another memorable cartoon. My favorite part is probably at the end. I just love how he says it's a waste of time being a zombie. It's just great to hear your voice like this. This seems like the kind of conversations I would have with my own friends. This is a lot like how silly people talk.

The sounds are great too. The violence is really creative in this one. It's just great to see these guys with guns. Zombies are a pretty easy theme to use these characters with. It's very fun.

This is hilarious if only because of how huge it was. This must have taken months to make. Then again, an episode of a cartoon can take months to make too. I just appreciate the cheesy animation too. I thought it might be an infinite loop. I'm glad it went on as long as it did.

That seems like such a long time ago when George W. Bush was President. I'm glad to see old stuff making fun of him. This WAS made at the time of the 2004 election. A pity that didn't work out so well. It's so creative and funny.

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