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This is a very cute submission. It's weird saying that seeing as how it involves killing and the like. I love how he says the movie sucks at the end. No, it doesn't! It's nice to hear you talk about songs that are in your head. It's even funnier when you don't know what the song even is!

I just really liked seeing the mouth. It looked like his tongue sticking out at first. I'm glad to have reviewed this at Christmas time. There wasn't much to it, but it was still nice to see. It's the usual fun.

I would have liked this more if I could understand it. The animation really was quite good in this. The best part was the final joke. Yeah, it makes perfect sense. Cats just make everything better. I was wondering why it was so short.

This guy's "duhuhuh" sounded like Patrick from SpongeBob. It's probably from the actual game. It worked well for a quick joke. That was to be expected from its length. This was fairly fun.

Wow, this was amazing! I am sad that this is not more popular. At first, I thought it was something by Kol-Belov or Brian Marciano. It's just something about how the title is all caps. The animation is great in this. I just love the angel transformation.

My only complaint is that it was too short. It's so visually interesting. The sounds are wonderful too. The lack of dialogue shows how good of a storyteller you are. I can tell the title's Spanish.

I mostly thought this was just okay. I was kind of expecting more of a plot. I can understand why this was meant to be the start of a series. Well, maybe it wasn't. I just assume anything with a name like this is supposed to be like that. I thought the animation was pretty good.

I noticed the bored kid in the background. Dang, I miss Paul ter Voorde was back. These names are really funny. These two actually do have a nice relationship. I appreciate their dynamic.

I admit that I didn't understand a lot of the jokes. I think it's mostly because I'm not familiar with these characters. I've seen a fair number of "Star Trek" material. These seem to be original characters. With that being said, I still enjoyed it. This was one of the first "Star Trek" parodies I watched here.

I was unaware of "Stone Trek" until later. The animation was quite good. I liked how you credited all the voice actors. It was just well put together. Not great, but decent in my eyes.

I thought this wasn't as good, probably because it actually had TOO much plot. It inverted the problems of the previous entries. There was just too much dialogue. I would like it if you had some actual audio with the dialogue. It's still pretty creative. I also still like the music.

It just isn't that rewarding. Then again, it is just a silly series. I can tolerate that. You seem to use some different animation styles here. That could just be the different pictures used, however.

This is my favorite in the series yet! I believe that it boasts of the best animation in the whole series. The characters move a lot more fluidly here. The music is great too. I do wish there was more of a story. All of the reviewers of this cartoon are in the Top Ten of all time on this website!

I guess that makes this kind of special. I like how it's longer. It's a shame this didn't get very popular. I've seen it elsewhere, though. In fact, that's why I'm reviewing it!

It does seem like they are getting better. I will admit that I don't understand a lot of it. You should have some spoken dialogue. You probably have some words too! It's weird how short these are. These seem more like the parts of a single episode.

Maybe that was the intention. I really do like the animation though. The artwork is quite innovative. I wish I knew who a lot of these people were. The music is fairly nice too.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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