What does it mean?
Does the green background represent the jealousy that sides inside our hearts and minds? Is the figure blue because he is sad that he is getting hit by the rock? Is he sad that he is in some way surrounded by jealousy? This is a continuous loop so maybe that represents how the people will always be sad when there is jealousy around Does the gray rock represent how jealousy brings us into a gray sense of morality? Does the white line represent how it is supported by purity?
I suggest that next time you have a lot more going on than just a single rock hitting a guy. I guess you are not guaranteed to get a high rating for something submitted on Clock Day. Trust me, I would know. You should always try to put more effort into something by having it be innovative and stand out even if it's supposed to be a joke. Oh well, it only becomes a white line at the end; what does that mean?!