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Great again!

It was weird to watch this on the same day you submitted your Halloween cartoon. There were just jokes after jokes, especially with the bushmen not wearing much clothing. It was just so silly, especially representing Halloween by having Santa Claus appear. That led to one of the funniest jokes about church and state being seperated. The character designs were amazing as always, and the rate at which it played was just perfect. These are awesome characters and I look forward to seeing them in more adventures.


I loved watching this because it offered yet another perspective on the Madness Combat series. I think my favorite part would be the end where he just dies and his sunglasses are cut in half. It was weird to have everything suddenly become peaceful when he blew himself up, but it works. It was great to see this new animation style, particularly with how well the characters moved around and stuff. This day and this genre has truly given us some of the best flashes this website and the entire Internet has ever seen! I liked the film about Nevada, too.

How insane!

I am so glad you are finally back and submitting fantastic stuff again! This is one of your best things, because it is absolutely insane and I found it more than a "little" nonsensical. The funniest thing here is the girl who just so frantically jumps around trying to convince the man to do something. I thought this was just a music video at first, and I think I would have voted a "5" if it turned out to be just that! It was pretty unexpected for the girl to just be killed by the monster at the end like that. I do hope this becomes a series!

I haven't played it either

I could still, however, enjoy how cool and funny this cartoon turned out to be. It was hard to understand some of the jokes but the good tone and animation negates that. It was weird to see them use the roller coaster at the end when they seemed to have no metal cart to go in. Then again, I guess they didn't have any metal to use in the first place? The zombies look like cactuses shaped like dildos! The funniest bit of it was probably when he was talking about stepping deep in seriousness.


It is so great to be back and reviewing these flawless submissions! At first, I was a bit disappointed that there was not an actual story, but honestly who cares? This has some of the most fantastic animation that I have ever seen in a stick flash, period. It was especially funny to just say things and stop as the guy was getting killed. A lot of these things were really creative, especially how he died violently through peace and stuff. It goes on so long you lose track of time and just have so much fun watching it over and over.

Look at my horse

I loved this cartoon and I think it may in fact be the best thing you have ever worked on. I guess that Larry is just so cute and yet so tough and stuff. Every second of this cartoon there is something funny going on, like how the dog does not care in the least about having his leg cut off. This deserves to win every major award on this website! The animation is fantastic and may also be the best thing you ever worked on as well! This is going to be an awesome series and one of Newgrounds' best and of course it already is!

You're back!

You made a great series on the Internet and I thought that you were gone forever with this fantastic website! I just loved watching this and seeing all the great animation you are known for. The writing is just brilliant because it goes on with how stereotypical the dictator is acting and stuff. The voice acting was perfect and it wonderfully fit the characters and the scenarios they were going through. If this is going to be a new series, then I gladly welcome it into existance! It is everything that makes this site funny.

Back to back belly to belly

I did not see the original version of this cartoon, but this was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen! I just wish there was some way to figure out what the heck the protagonist is going to be. Apart from having great music, the animation is simply specatular! It was truly original and there was so much detail put into every character and every shot! It is so cool to know that this is an actual song. Yeah, I was thinking the main zombie was going to be Michael Jackson too, because you know, he's dead.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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