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Oh sweet, this was awesome! This is my favorite submission for this year's Pico Day. The best part is probably how authentic it was. I believe it's actual Japanese. My favorite knight might have been Pink. I missed the action at first.

I'm glad we got some later! You rarely see something this long here based on original characters. Well, I mean original NG characters. We got an even more interesting villain this time. It was weird to have both a real foreign language and a made up one. It was truly fascinating.

That was pretty hilarious! Why was Tom yellow? I guess he turned into a Simpsons character! The blue made sense with how he was cold. It was hard to tell what was going on here. The best part was how Pico and Nene were really in it.

It wasn't the focus, but they were still there. The animation was just amazing. I especially love how blue Tom is introduced. It's the little details that matter. Why were they in space?!

Crashgen responds:

This is the second part of the story, in "phantom arcade", the first one. it is explained that they left to be astronauts to be happy, along with the "Lore". Thank you for the review uwu

Happy Pico day indeed! Uh, Pico wasn't in this. This was still pretty cool. The bottle throwing is the best part. Why'd you have to spoil that in the author's comments? The shattering was so cool!

I'm glad it wasn't just credits at the end. You advertised for something at least. I thought it would get violent. Instead, it was just goofy. Well, I should have known that from the author's uh, comments.

Oh, Nene is her daughter too? You rarely see full blown crossovers between just two Newgrounds properties. I loved seeing them all together again. Happy Pico Day 2024! I really mean it this time! I loved how cheesy this was.

Everything was so gloriously ridiculous. My favorite joke might have been the last one. I loved the goofy animation. This is Pico Day at some of its wackiest. We finally got a collection for this year up!

I had to look to see whether it was a game or not. It was still well animated. I think the bird appearing was something different. It needed a lot more variety. It was just Pico skateboarding. It was mostly a gif.

I've never heard of Wildwood before. I thought that was an eggplant in the title. It was just a skateboard. I know what eggplants are used for in testing. So should you.

Luis responds:

It was a gif. Technology hasn’t advanced where you can attach music and sound effects to a gif.

Dang, I was impressed by the fact that there were two trailers that got the top spot today! This does deserve it, though. The female character looked like a girl version of the protagonist from "Starbarians". I loved seeing the sketches. It was great variety from everything. There aren't that many trailers here.

This was a rather charming one. You had some great music as well. A bit late for a Daily Feature, huh? I guess after 10pm it counts. Most of the stuff here is technically indie.

A trailer for an update? How odd. I guess it means updated version. This was still awesome. The best part was how it used actual animation and not just the gameplay. More video game trailers need that.

Then again, I haven't seen that many video game trailers. This had a lot of spunk to it. This didn't quite have the feel of a Pico Day submission. Pico only appeared briefly. As I've said before, Pico Day has become more of a celebration of Newgrounds in general.

Okay, that was well animated, but it was uh...kinda dumb. I still appreciated it. It was obviously meant to be silly. I love his face at 00:23. That's easily the best animated part. I've never heard of them referred to as boxer briefs.

I do know what you're talking about. No mention of panties? I've been wondering about tights like that. I do think about shorts that way. This was nicely goofy.

I found this to be an adorable cartoon. The animation looked like it was from "Animaniacs". Celine reminds me of Rita. Cheswick was a bit too smart to be like Runt, though. It was great that you acknowledged that cats don't like milk. Really, they don't.

The animation was so good in this. I hope this wins an award. Talking cats are always cool. This was just a very sweet cartoon. Too sweet for cheesecake though!

That Newgrounds joke at the very end was great. It's awesome how it was at the VERY end. I had no idea these characters were even from Sega games. I was expecting Sonic to appear. "Mortal Kombat" is owned by Playstation, not Sega. They're different, right?

This was very bizarre. A little hard to enjoy with how incomprehensible it was, but still quite good. It was still quite a unique collab. I'd think a collab would be bigger. That is quite a good preloader.

Anonymous-Frog responds:

The scene is actually based on "Virtua Fighter 2". Name probably got mixed up.

PS: Mortal Kombat was owned by Midway, later sold to Warner Bros.

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