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Twenty years? It's been going on that long, huh? I wasn't expecting to see your butt. I didn't even know what an aubergine was! You're my favorite Lock yet I never looked it up. I knew it was like an eggplant or I guess it is an eggplant.

I like how profane this is. It's nice to hear the Locks speak normally. You rarely hear that. This is what pubs are made for. It's more like a Saint Patrick's Day celebration.

AubergineLock responds:

Wetherspoons is the epitome of British culture.

Dang, we really are on a roll today! I was amazed at how great the animation is! This is just an awesome cartoon. I don't know what's even going on. There's just so many fine details. That guy reminded me of Kisame from "Naruto".

It was something about how it looked like he had gills. Instead, I think he had four eyes! I liked seeing that steak at the end. It wasn't as malicious as I thought. It was still very satisfying.

I'm proud to give this a great score! What's really amazing is how I thought it would be entirely animated at first. Then I thought it would be fully live-action. Then it went back to being animated. I just reeeally wanted to see more gameplay. By that, I mean you actually animating the gameplay.

I guess that's a weird request. I just loved seeing the numbers go around with how it was drawn. We've seen the actual gameplay over and over. It's just done in a very nice manner. It's not night and this submitted in the early morning anyway.

Wow, this was just awesome! It contained a lot more action than most of your cartoons! I'm so glad to have come by this. Looks like we got another good day for submissions here. It didn't come off as demonic. I guess any monsters could come across as demonic.

I like how you show the YouTube video. It's easily the best submission you've ever made. The demon kind of looks like a clock, with that face. Red, white and blue? Happy Memorial Day to you too sir!

Wow, this was hilarious! I am in fact a fan of DEATH BATTLE! I know how divisive this series can get. Seriously, people have gotten really mad at this series. It's great how you mocked it. I knew that Spy would win. Oh yeah, I remember MUGEN.

That makes a lot of sense. It was great how stupid this animation was. It's just a great spoof for how dumb it presents itself as. This is indeed the format. Why wouldn't he just eat an orange?

septicsebi responds:

tysm for watching pls subscribe to my channel

This was really funny! I had no idea it would get so dark. Just seeing that silly looking handgun was hilarious. It made me realize how stupid can equal funny. You know how to keep up with consistently good animation. I rarely see "Fallout" stuff here.

That's a good parody name. I'm also glad it wasn't too short. I know how hard these must be to animate. It does deserve a high score. That dog almost reminded me of the one from brewstew.

That was pretty good, although I will admit it was a bit too long. It can be hard to keep up with the jokes for that long a time. This was still very well detailed. I actually did like these characters. I wanted him to get with Delilah. The rats were very well drawn.

The rat's name was Peanut? I thought it was PETA at first. I don't want to like something with PETA in it. The colors were quite vibrant as well. This could be a great series.

Wow, I felt sorry for that guy. I thought it was going to turn into something sexual. You know, like the unicorn from "Robot Chicken". I love that show. It's great to see something escalate like that. I would never do that. Maybe he can go on other unicorns?

I noticed the unicorn's horn throbbing. If not that guy, it definitely would have gotten better. That was technically an alicorn. Yes, I'm a brony too. Kevin MacLeod is omnipotent.

Egoraptor, damn it's been a long time! It was sad how this was only a minute long. It seemed more like a re-animated collab. Well, this isn't how the intro specifically plays out. It still feels like one. It's great to see everyone shine here.

Most of these characters lose their power after awhile. I've forgotten how great that music is. Boy, were the colors great in this. This franchise shall never die. Sadly, the creator did.

I was very impressed by this animation! I'm glad you credited the creator of the title card. That did seem like it was something different than the rest of it. I thought there'd be talking at first. i didn't know the key could break like that. I'd think it was a design flaw.

This is still a great little cartoon. It got a tad violent with the skeleton. That gave it variety. The music was very nice. Sad to say I never played this game.

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