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Wow, this one actually had talking! That may be a first for you. The green knight is becoming more and more featured. I like her personality, though. This was a perfect cartoon to watch over Pico Day. That's a nice rose.

You can never do wrong with this series! I appreciate the goofy sound effects too. The rose in the title made it sweet. Dang, she is one of the tallest characters. I know we'll see more of these cartoons.

It seemed more like it was about depression than about being homesick. This was still pretty effective. My favorite part was how you could see right through them. It's a good metaphor. Maybe it was about stress. We can relate to these things.

We can relate to these things. I think any being with long appendages is the Slender Man. Now we're into the Backrooms. I've never seen flashes like those around here. This is still nice.

CybeR responds:

Thank you :) I appreciate the comment! The title was named after the title of the song, not necessarily about the animation content haha. But you're spot on with that!

While not great for me, still good. My favorite part was probably when he exploded at the very end. I think it was bait and switch, right? You were supposed to think he was weeping at the characters who just died. It was a pretty odd little cartoon. Those can be awesome.

It looks like Pico Day is finally over. We still have some beloved cartoons to show for it. I've heard that explosion sound many times before. I can appreciate its usage. This was fun, just not one of my favorites.

Woah, look at how high ranked this is! I didn't recognize GlitchArtTv's animation at all! It's probably because it isn't Madness related. Hey, we get some great action here. My favorite part was actually probably the girlfriend kiss. It's a very sincere moment.

The setup is very nice. The title was kind of odd. It was still a great submission for Pico Day. I'm so glad to see another great Pico cartoon. This holiday just never gets old!

I thought it was kind of predictable. I do like the animation. It was quite interesting to see something not Pico Day related. I'd still rather watch Pico related stuff. This was still pretty good. It's pretty colorful.

It definitely had good movements. The animation kind of reminded me of Doug Walker. His drawings kind of look like that. He's not a good artist. Yours is definitely better.

Wow, that was bonkers! I'm glad it won Daily Feature. Many people would forget it around Pico Day. I still remember! I was impressed at how silly it was. I mean, the animation was so goofy!

The worst thing was being killed. I should've seen that coming. I thought she said, "Are you s**tyis? The lines were really silly too. Seems like a demented Valentine's Day submission.

noinimble responds:


FIN? That's what they should have put at the end of the second Aquaman movie! Anyway, I thought this was very bad. I couldn't tell if it was a game or not. The voices were really annoying. They were far too high pitched.

I was hoping you'd be able to X out of it. Well, then the whole thing would have ended. It needed more violence! It's not a good representation of Pico. Happy Pico Day anyway!

I can see why it took so long for you to animate. I had little idea as to what was going on. They were going into this place with all these different versions of them! It was hard to tell who was who. I love the title. It definitely was unusual!

Hey, my birthday's coming up too! This really did celebrate all things Pico. My favorite part was probably the knife fight. You have to be good at animating stuff like that. Cake is something we should all fight over.

KiugaVanHollow responds:

I really appreciate your words! Oh! and happy birthday too! Hahaha, I'm aware that my brainstorming may confuse people a lot, however, I really appreciate that you enjoyed it! thank you so much for that!

This wasn't great, but it was rather charming. I liked how it was like "Marvel Vs. Capcom". Yeah, I'm familiar with that. Yeah, it's in three categories! The art shift was very nice, too. It was nice and silly.

That's what Pico Day should be about! It was still a bit too short. Something like this could have used more action. You still deserve a happy Pico Day. Everyone does!

Oh, that was it. I thought it was too simple. It was still well animated though. I guess that kid is now part of the Pico Universe. Well, aren't all Newgrounds characters really, though? We don't have that much continuity together.

I guess in the strictest sense these make sense. Pico deserves this for the day. Yeah, I just wanted it to be longer. This is still good for something quite short. Thank you for putting it up, though.

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