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Holy crap! I counted 252 kills, exactly twice as much as the previous record for most kills I saw for this year! I think 252 might be a new record in ANY Madness cartoon! It was amazing how it just kept going on and on and on. I think my favorite might be Danilivanov11. That might only be because I thought it had the most kills!

Madness will NEVER die out! It was hard to tell who I was supposed to root for here. I recognized some Madness characters though. Oddly enough, I haven't seen much of Jebus, Tricky or the Auditor lately. We still need all the variety we can get! I could gladly watch every Madness cartoon ever made put back to back for an infinitely long clip here and not get bored!

astlari responds:

its a random clip collab theres nobody to root for

Wow, this was a very unique Madness flash. It didn't even seem like one. It seemed more like a Creepypasta. Well, I guess it IS close to October. I was amazed at the atmosphere in this. I got it right, the body count was indeed 13!

Well, I guess 14 if you count that last body at the end. This is like "Dead Meat". Anyway, this was indeed a wonderful cartoon. I guess it only fits I'd follow someone who made a Madness cartoon this year. It was quite meaningful.

Okay, I can see why the rating is low. Still, this was much better than a lot of other things like it. I've seen a lot of submissions where it's just one of those things. You don't need to submit them here. It worked great as a compilation. People should submit more things like this.

Granted, it's still not good. There isn't much happening. I'm glad you labeled it as experimental. That truly is the best description. You did miss this submission by one day.

crewsto567 responds:


I believe the kill count was 9. That's not too bad given how short this is. I was really impressed by how it got so much done in that first segment. The rest could have been better. This is a very high rating for a trailer. It wasn't quite that unique.

I still appreciate the music. It fit the tone very well. Music has always played a big role in "Madness Combat". Makes sense as there's no talking. I'm sure it will be good.

I love how the 5 star rating does in fact apply here. I thought from the beginning it would be something really cheap. It was hard to read that MEANWHILE. I counted 27 kills, including the one at the ending credits. This looked just like something from 2000! That does in fact predate "Madness Combat".

If it had come out in 2000, that's exactly what it would have looked like. I liked how there were two different killers. Dang, everyone's collaborating nowadays. You don't even have voice actors! I liked the nostalgic style.

Holy crap, we finally got a woman in a Madness cartoon! You could tell because she had boobs. With details like these, how else can we find out? I actually liked how he didn't win. Realistically, he couldn't last that long. The best part was probably how he took damage.

I counted 13 deaths. That's kind of low for a Madness cartoon. It still worked because it was slightly more realistic. I should appreciate that. Happy Madness Day 2024 yet again!

Well, that was short, but it was hilarious! I was amazed at how much the jokes kept going in this. I don't think I've ever seen these characters represented this way before. I mean, with these huge muscular bodies. The gag did go on a bit too long. It's still great to see some action.

I'm glad they didn't die when the vending machine fell on them. It does make you wonder why he didn't just break the glass. Hank might just be stubborn. You get that way from killing tons of people. I'm glad they at least got some snacks.

It's amazing how we've kept this holiday going. I lost count of the deaths. It's hard to keep up with how many of these cartoons they are. This one seemed to not focus on nonstop violence. It can be hard to keep up with any story. We just want to see killing! Of course the violence delivers the goods.

The music really sold it here. Even the credits were rather memorable. I mean, you rarely credit voice actors in these things. I liked the orange mask. Orange is my favorite color, which I just noticed is also the color of these stars that I rate.

Well, that was a rather odd combination. It only had like three deaths. It was done in such a strange manner. I really didn't know how to feel about the atmosphere. It seemed more like a mystery than an action cartoon. The music at the end was very weird too. I'm glad it was still unique.

This was still pretty interesting to watch. I kept waiting for an epic fight scene. No one ever came. I still liked it for being unique for a Madness flash. I can see why other people would enjoy it more.

I counted 69 deaths! Heh heh, 69. I thought it wouldn't have any deaths at first. I thought it would just be an experimental cartoon. I guess I'm glad it wasn't. It was great to have the standard Madness fare.

That guy had the Sharingan! It was amazing with how the animation was so good. I liked giving them faces. You rarely see that around here. The cat faces were especially funny.

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