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Hmm, sorry to say that this didn't entertain me that much. I mean, it was just a guy in a chair the whole time. I thought he might be getting up at some point. Instead, he was just changing positions. If I wanted to see a cat napping, I'd go to YouTube. Real cats are better.

Still, this was animated nicely. I appreciate most of your work. This could have worked as an art submission. I just expect something more from an actual cartoon. This was just okay for me.

Wait, that wasn't audio from an actual "Family Guy" episode? That was freaking impressive! I seriously thought you just took it from the show. The animation was as fantastic as expected from you. Being beheaded isn't being sawed in half. Well, he does have a huge head.

"Family Guy" is anti-religious. No wonder God would punish you! Your creations are just amazing. This guy does indeed deserve to be thanked for his voice acting. I liked it a lot.

PotentFrog responds:


I love how at the end there's one shocked person and another happy person. I've never heard of phantom sense before. I don't know if it's a part of ADHD. I mean, which one had it? I liked the moving in this. Yes, I guess you could say I felt it too.

The lack of colors seemed to work. How did I not review this before? I guess the score wasn't nearly as high as when I first came across it. Here I was thinking it was something brand new.
It's good for a quick watch.

I love those logos. I was wondering why it was listed under a Halloween cartoon... I knew from the moment that knife appeared. I was really glad it didn't turn into something truly disgusting like "Party Games". Anyway, this was wonderful to watch because of this beautiful animation. It seems just like something from a real anime!

I don't think you're really Japanese. I just wish it was longer...again! The animation was just so flawless! Everything about it, the colors, the angles, it was all perfect! I can totally understand the high score.

You don't need a warning label. We can tell from the content rating! Wow...that actually is pretty disgusting. Anyway, "Dead Space" really reminds me of "Alien". This movie really is wonderfully animated, though. That's the best part.

I just wish it was longer! Even the credits were really cool! I thought she was holding a weapon. I was wondering she didn't just fire it at the guy. The sounds were great too.

Insanimate responds:

Thank you for taking a look at this! The content warning is there to cover what is in the video for youtube and twitter, and to let other know that this isnt for anyone underage. It took me a year and half to make this because of my day job, gym and exercise, and my workflow is very awful, haha. I tried to have the weapon run out of ammo before the transformation so it would be scary for the monster to transform without have anything to defend the main character.

That was wonderfully animated! We need some more parodies of the Pokemon anime. I was hoping to see Googongcheeew. I guess I'll have to wait for the next installment. The facial expressions were just amazing in this. The facial expressions were amazing.

It was weird to not have any of the female characters in this. You rarely see just James like that. The whole trio is always together! Oh, I guess it's just Gongachu. Pikachu always has good personality.

This had some great action in it! I'm glad we can have great Madness stuff all year round! My favorite part might have been at 0:57. You get some really good facial expressions here. Most of the characters don't have faces. Most of them didn't need to.

It really did seem to have a story here. It's hard to keep up with any story in a Madness flash. I'm glad you tried. This had some great details in it too. This deserves the Daily Feature.

Wow, things are really heating up! It's great to see some more action. It's especially satisfying with Meta-Knight and King Dedede. The series has gained more of a story. I guess most long runners do that. It's hard to believe we're up to 12 already!

Even with more story, it's still adorable. I always love this animation. You tell a lot without words. I probably say that too much too. I don't want "Honest Trailers" to make fun of me like that.

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't get into this that much. It's just okay. The statement was still pretty funny, though. I knew he'd tell him to kill himself. It was still set up in a funny manner. The animation was alright.

It wasn't anything too impressive. Everyone loves this, so what do I know? I'm glad you did this to prepare for long animations. It can be hard to make a shark sympathetic. You actually did it fine.

Their last names must be Jack. I loved how adorable this was! It reminded me of "The Amazing World Of Gumball". Well, those kids were actually older. I loved the gags at the end. They really did behave like real kids!

That's not easy given how goofy this set up is. Even with a wacky world, you have to make the characters realistic. The voices are what really won me over. The designs of these guys was also very cute and creative. It's just a wonderfully feel good cartoon. It completely deserves its ridiculously high score.

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