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Well, I've seen some cereal parodies, but this one was one of the best! I had no idea it would go on this long. Yeah, maybe it could have been trimmed a bit. I was surprised by how big the story was. I thought it would just be something really goofy. It really was an action cartoon.

Thank you for the subtitles. Focky sounds like a pretty dirty name. Thank you for the subtitles of course. The cartoons here are getting longer all the time. The animation works very well too.

That intro was so long I thought it would be the whole cartoon! This was one crazy cartoon! The best part was probably how great the animation was. Well, more of the stop-motion bit. Was she going to say "...suck my d**k"? She's a woman!

The artwork was fantastic. I guess that ad in the middle did have relevance after all. The artwork kind of reminded me of "The Amazing Digital Circus". It was certainly entertaining. It's just a very strange, but enjoyable cartoon.

Was that the "You" from "Crank That Soulja Boy" at first? I remember that meme. I do wish it was longer. It ended too abruptly! At least we got to see some amazing cats. This animation was just amazing!

I loved seeing how gorgeous everything looked. It helps that I love cats. Most people on the Internet do! I loved seeing everything flow together so well. Cats might actually see the world like this.

catfight90 responds:

lmaoooo i wish it was xD it's actually something Elisa made based on the kabuki yooo sound :0!! hopefully if we do another it'll be longer :) this was pretty short mainly since it started as a student film which we finished after a hiatus

and thank you so much for the sweet comment ;;!! โ™กโ™กโ™กโ™ก really brightened our days to see all the support so far :D cats really are the best despite being gremlins sometimes :3c

Okay, I ended up loving this. The best part was how cute those bears were. I didn't recognize them all. I thought I knew my bears! This reminds me of Stephen Colbert. He's known for his fear of bears.

I would choose the man. I mean, I AM a man! Oh, "Atop The Fourth Wall" reference. This was just very cute. I liked how quick it was.

DinkisMalinkis responds:

I have a lot of other wacky toons on my youtube channel !! Dinkis Malinkis Toons

Hey, orange is my favorite color! Green is my brother's favorite color! This was a very nice and colorful cartoon. I had expected a "Castle Crashers" cartoon to have more action, which it did near the end. It was still great the way it was. The best part might have been the voices.

The animation was very fluid too. I will admit it was probably too long. I liked seeing the other Castle Crashers too. I never realized how big their heads are. I thought this was great.

Okay, this was very strange indeed. I didn't really know who this guy was or what he stood for. I appreciate how it's unique. Is that David Firth's voice? It definitely sounds like Salad Fingers. It certainly has the surrealism of David Firth's cartoons.

I appreciate you doing so much with this character. I think this is the first time I ever saw a submission featuring him. Hey, don't do too much! You might get taken off like "Numa Numa Dance".

3:30 Holy crap, is that Bill Cosby? That's a truly terrifying image of him! Aww, no Brewstew logo! Anyway, this was awesome. I thought you were going to bring up Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy! A more believable lie would be to say the platypus isn't real. They're even weirder than giraffes!

I have encountered some annoying kids in my life. I wouldn't lie to them, though. I love how you showed that dinosaur clip. Let's hope he doesn't see this! Don't like to them by saying "The Problem With Apu" is a good movie, though.

This was fairly entertaining. I really liked the part where you showed all those symbols. I saw stuff like that appear all the time after 911. People kept finding all these hidden things everywhere that predicted 911. It was something about the star of David and buildings. This was a nice experimental cartoon.

I'm surprised you didn't put it under "Experimental'. Once again, I've never played "Undertale". It seems like you got the spirit down quite well. Maybe it could have been longer. The visuals really made it.

I really hate to do this, but I just didn't care for this. The main problem is that it was just too talky. I'm more used to having action in stuff that's like a video game. I know there's plenty of games like that, but they were never really for me. The music is great, though. I mostly skip the dialogue like that.

It has rather bright colors. The atmosphere is set up in a pretty unique way. It just mostly suffers from being too boring for me. No one here seems to agree with me, though. This main character is still pretty likeable, I guess.

Tyhond responds:

Fair enough :> I was talking inspiration from like Oneshot/Cave Story where plot and story are usually a whole good chunk. Undertale too since their story quite good as well.

It's supposed to be story-rich with a bit of puzzle, so it won't appeal to everyone.

Damn, I was impressed at how incredible this was! It was just amazingly fantastic! I freaking loved the animation! I loved the characters! I loved how unpredictable it was! It first got weird when Maggot ate a woman.

Boy, was I wrong when I thought that would be the weirdest thing to happen! Yay, mass murder! At least they got some beans. I love how these guys were so loyal to each other and Maggot! Seeing all these trailers was freaking worth it! Even the swearing was cute!

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