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Wow, that was actually kind of weird. I still loved it, though. It seemed like it was going to be a loop with the ants and the ladybug. I was surprised there was talking. I mean, I know thumbnails can be misleading. The sudden swearing at the end caught me off guard too.

The voices were really sincere. It was pretty quaint for the most part. I don't know why he wanted to perform a good deed. That bird looked like a penguin. It makes sense that he couldn't fly.

Wow, that was freaking awesome! My only complaint is that it should have been longer. My favorite part might have been when the ED-209 fell down and exploded. He had a lot of personality. That's some graphic destruction of balls. You managed to make it work.

The animation was just incredible. The way everything transitions is amazing. The voices were great too. You really did express a classic movie well. I only wish you showed the ending.

Damn, the Halloween cartoons just won't stop! This was just gorgeously detailed. I don't remember this kind of animation before. I'm glad to have understood what was going on at least. This really did show off the spirit of Halloween. It was definitely like a VHS movie.

I guess I'm just getting more used to them. This main character was so much fun! The scythe was cool too. I appreciate the details in everything. It was fun to watch everyone.

This was pretty good. I don't recall these characters eating souls. Well, they've been in every scenario already. I appreciate this gorgeous animation of course. 5 second movies are longer than this! At least they're technically nine seconds long.

I do like bagels. What about Foamy? Well, he's just not as entertaining as these characters. I appreciate how there's still original ideas. You spelled "bagle" wrong in the tag!

GlitchArtTV responds:

Sometimes i think you don't undertand the joke.

Jump scare! This was a great cartoon, if only because you managed to use this animation at its best. We're still at Halloween stuff? Dang, this year was good. It was fun to see all those horror movie parodies too. I recognized the robot monster.

Everything just flowed together so well. I recognize your animation a lot more. You deserve a Happy Halloween! The voices were really good too. Their exaggeration worked very well.

Happy Day of the Dead! Yeah, I believe that's what this is. This was a wonderful little cartoon. It was a true tribute to everything that is Halloween related. The best part was easily the animation. The best part was 0:49.

THAT was some impressive use of stop-motion. Or rather, cardboard cut-outs. Or...whatever technique was used. It really is a tribute to folklore. You've personified Death quite well.

At first, I thought this was on a loop. It was in fact just the same thing over and over. Still, it's done in very high spirits. I will never stop loving this cute animation. I knew there'd be more Halloween stuff for today! It seems like we never run out of them.

Those boos are so cute. How can boos be cute? You know, as in booing. Your artwork is so recognizable. Again, Happy Halloween!

This cartoon was pretty good. I appreciate the CGI. I didn't even recognize it as being related to "Scott Pilgrim". It's been a long time I read/saw that. This was just well animated. It just didn't have that much going on.

I like the "Bob-omb" sign. Scott Pilgrim has a lot of great references. The transitions were also good. It just wasn't that great for me. I still recommend it.

Wow, this was awesome. I think this is my favorite submission that I watched today on Halloween. How ironic. I just love the AI jokes. Those need to be mocked more. It's great to see this joke escalate.

Biting causing a spinal injury is a pretty big deal. Happy Halloween I guess! This seemed to be better animated than most of your cartoons. Well, it is newer. It's great to see what you look like!

Well, what better way to celebrate a holiday on this day with another holiday? I have to admit this was quite unpredictable. I've heard a lot of gay jokes about these guys. I've heard a lot of gay jokes about EVERYONE, really. The animation is as good as ever. This isn't quite a popular category.

I was thinking it would be bait and switch. You know, it would turn out to be something not dirty after all. We never did technically see it. I'm pretty sure it was in fact intended to be something truly dirty. I'm not into porn, much less gay porn.

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