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I just love your animation. It makes them look more horselike. I guess that isn't a word. The voice work was fantastic. It really does sound like you took some weird audio file from the show! I didn't recognize Big Macintosh at first.

I guess I'm just more used to seeing his mane. The pixel bit was too funny. I like how they've turned into centaurs. They have an extra pair of arms now! Or I guess arms and the same number of legs?

I have to admit I didn't like this that much. I'm surprised that it isn't in any collection. It's certainly popular. It just seems like this is set up. I do appreciate the animation. I like the finer details.

It was especially cool to see the different planets in the sky in the beginning. Besides that, it doesn't seem that magical. These characters do come off as pretty real to me. I can always appreciate that. The voices fit them well, too.

I was truly impressed by this! I guess it's because I had no way of knowing that it was Mega Man related. The thumbnail certainly didn't show that! Anyway, the sprite work was awesome! My only complaint is that the robot enemies could have had more than one design. I guess that's faithful to the movies, anyway.

I just loved how there was so much action. You really had no idea what to expect from this. I could tell it was done with Mega Man sprites. It was still unexpected.

I am sorry, but this just doesn't make any sense to me. It's just two guys fighting. I know there are tons of flashes here that are like that. The problem is that this series is trying to set itself up as being like our world. We're not in a world that has anime like fights like this. In other flashes, it makes sense, because the world is already chaotic.

I guess the voice acting isn't bad. The animation looks kind of old. There should have been more characters. This just didn't seem to progress anything much. I like the "0" in front of the numbers, though.

I really like this episode! Of all the silliness this series has, it has the same story going on. It's just hard to keep track of all the great jokes in this. I guess my favorite would be the foot jokes. It's great how the voice is consistently serious. I am eager to follow this story.

You really showed off some good animation in this. It's most notable when he appears in the night. That really is some strong artwork there. All the details are nice. This is a pretty long running series.

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks a lot! And glad you appreciated some of the improved animation in this episode!

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