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Well, it's rare that something NSFW gets the front page. Then again, this didn't explictly show anything. Good for you! I guess I would have liked it more if the guy took off his clothes too. Wait, that would have been less focus on the hot woman. I should want to see the woman more in a porn.

That guy had sharp teeth. I was afraid he was going to eat her. Does he?! There's so much hardcore stuff here, I'm surprised you didn't show it all. Once again, you probably wouldn't have gotten Daily Feature if you did.

Aww dang, I forgot to keep up with the story. I didn't know this would be so epic! I'm surprised it doesn't have a higher score. I should have noticed it when it got frontpaged. I'm glad it wasn't nothing but action. Even if it's short, you know to not just constantly have action going on.

It would have been so easy in something this short. The enemies were nicely designed. When he said, "That's what they look like?!", it made sense. The weapons are great too. It's just a well built world.

I thought this was pretty long for a short film. I mean, we get tons of Daily Features that are less than a minute long. I was confused at the low frame rate. I was afraid something was wrong with my laptop. This reminded me of "One Piece" a lot. Then again, they've done everything they can in any ocean scenario.

I was reminded of Mario and Luigi by their costumes. Yeah, I was just looking up info on the movie. I loved the inventive way they got back. It looked like a giant goldfish. The ocean was beautiful too.

NIKOYOART responds:

A short film can be any length. A short film can literally be 20 minutes. Thanks for watching!

Here I was thinking this would just be a loading screen. Boy, was I wrong! I had no idea this would be that epic! I had forgotten about Robot Day. Well, most people had anyway. At least it has its own tag.

I assume you can just make your own tag. Yeah, I noticed the big dick. I loved those praying hands at the end. The explosion was cool too. The length was perfect, and I mean that both ways.

That was really funny! I especially loved how cute Poppy was. She sounded (and eaten) just like Bubbles from "The Powerpuff Girls". I could have even sworn that was Tara Strong doing the voice. I liked this comic layout. I haven't seen the other installments.

I thought this would get dark. I'm now glad that it didn't. Oh, I should've recognized Poppy from the title. I miss those sometimes. Even the intro was cool!

Uhhh...this was great. I admit to not being a furry. Given the endless amount of porn this series has created, this wasn't that graphic. It was still beautifully animated. Don't make me say beautifully about this. I noticed Renamon at 0:12.

I would still be more attracted to Dark Magician Girl. I even liked the title. It makes me sad I've forgotten many of their names. I lost track after the first 500. At least I remember their appearances.

I knew this would be awesome, but I did expect something even more awesome. I was thinking there'd be like some bigger fight with all of them. I guess realistically, he couldn't take down 30 billion Spongebobs. An exterminator couldn't take down thirty billion ants! The animation was nice. Freiza's leg did look very bad at the end. I love how you got to the God level.

I guess there's no more Super Saiyan 4. Everyone was wondering about Super Saiyan 5. They decided to just stop numbering them. I liked the authentic sounds. This was almost like the Spongebob anime. Sorry, but that was much better.

I really did like this cartoon, because it had an interesting message. Ferris seems like a great character. That wasn't a catboy, but a catgirl! I was afraid he was teleported to someplace awful, but he was still around! That was certainly awesome.

I felt like I got to know these characters in a short time. I've had to deal with tons of e-mails. Well, for me it's more about Facebook messages. I simply unfriended them. The simplistic title worked great too.

I liked this, but I didn't love it. I was just expecting more to happen. It still worked great as a solemn little cartoon. Well, that's what the title promised of course. I liked seeing these characters. It sent a really positive vibe.

It's pretty atypical for a flash here. It was good for any three-minute cartoon. It had a happy feel to it. Simple things can work very well. His bunny ears kind of looked like scissors.

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