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I loved that! They couldn't hold hands? That's a weird way of saying you can't have sex. That's at least how it came across. Why aren't there more flashes about Hatsune Miku here? I loved the stars next to the title.

It was like, "I know!". This was one of the best really brief cartoons. It told a joke very well. I guess those brief cartoons are kind of like "The Far Side". Yeah, that's a great comic strip.

This was a good little joke. The animation was very smooth. Then again, we have heard stuff like this before. Even in the first generation, we had pokemon like Magnemite who were made out of magnets. There's only so many animals we can use! Oh, there's hundreds of thousands of species out there anyway.

We already had ones based on ice cream cones. We should get burger pokemon next. It seems more like a variation of Rotom. Good cartoons can be quite short. This was a decent little cartoon.

Wow, that was fantastic! At first, I thought that was Prometheus who was having his liver eaten. Then I noticed that person had breasts. I had no idea this was about the war in Ukraine. I'm so glad you made something inspired by your country's troubles. Trust me, I know what crap Ukraine has gone through.

This seemed like something out of Warhammer 40K. I've never even seen a video of that, just heard about it constantly. Okay, I think it's a stretch to say this is based on a true story. Everyone had all these unique designs. The thin designs were probably the best. Red is of course an appropriate color to emphasize.

vezanmatics responds:

Thanks, I appreciate your reviews as always! Yeah 40k is always influential on my style, if you never interacted with it before I recommend Darktide as a gateway

I liked this, although I will admit a lot of it was self-promotion. Well, many people do that anyway. I really did buy Pil-Ze as a stand-in for Foamy. It was refreshing to see him absent, I guess. It was probably too short.

Well, that can work, but not with all the promotion. I still recognize these characters. It was interesting to see this dynamic. I've never seen a tablet like that. I thought I spent enough time on the Internet already.

Holy cow, this was amazing! I couldn't believe how beautiful it was animated! I am glad to have come by this and am surprised the rating isn't higher. You have such wonderfully unique designs. At least it was in the Weekly Top 10. This guy looks like he's part bird and part fish.

The colors were wonderful. It seemed like it was just an amazing tribute to sea life in general. Even the seagulls had unique designs. I loved his sentient home as well. I live in Florida, so I know about the ocean. The depth was incredible on every single level.

I knew this would just be an advertisement, but for an advertisement, it was pretty dang good. You have really style in your animation. I love to see webcomic stuff here. It might be the most successful medium out there. The music was great too. The designs were sure sharp.

Like, literally sharp. The guy at 0:16 looked like he had spikes on his beard. The animation reminds me of "Hezbin Hotel". 0:37, it's Spike from "Cowboy Bebop". It certainly looks great.

This was adorable! She sounded exactly like Fluttershy! At first, I thought that was Andrea Libman guest starring! It sounded exactly like her! This was wonderful no matter who did the voices. Perspective was absolutely fantastic in this.

It was just all so beautiful. The worst part was when it ended! I imagine it would be Hell to have that go on for more than two minutes. You put a lot of effort into it of course. It's a very enjoyable little cartoon.

SAMI-OURS responds:

I can't thank you enough. That's right! I used AI using her voice. I'll try to stay on for more than two minutes in the next video. Thank you for watching!

I feel bad in that I know a lot about anime. I just don't know anything about "Hunter X Hunter". It sounds like some pairing. Two guys named Hunter. I appreciate the slick animation. It's just hard to get the jokes.

I didn't know any of their names. It's always good to see stuff about new characters. It's just hard to keep up with everything. You always use colors well. I suppose fans would like it more.

Damn, I knew this would be awesome from the first minute! Rodney said fuck 13 times in it! I was thinking that would be some new record, but nothing can surpass Tim Minchin's pope song. It was nice to see some actual character development! This really did tell an interesting story. It was hilarious from start to finish!

Maybe the best joke was the last one about spending it all in one place. I really wasn't expecting giant moles to appear. I loved the animation so much! There was so much going on and so much detail put into every expression! I can tell a ton of animators worked on this. Well, from the credits at least.

I thought this was sung by koit at first. Then again, he doesn't do highbrow stuff like this, usually. Of course, I recognize Weebl now. I thought this would be about Zanta Claws. Wow, we have all of December to do it. Oh, it's a very late Halloween submission.

I haven't seen a music video from you guys in a long time. I guess all British guys do know each other! Eh, I guess assume people who live in the same country of the same race who are both famous in the same profession know each other. Yeah, that sounds right. I had no idea the grandmother would outlive (?) them all.

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