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Yeah, I didn't care for this much. It looks like the new format does in fact affect all the other flashes here. I guess the sprite work was good. It kind of looked like sprite work at least. You know, with the low resolution. Was it even that?

I had never heard of these games. This could probably use sound. I'm glad you just wanted to have fun. That's quite noble. I wish the new style wouldn't cut off.

Well, here it is people. My first review with this new style. I admit it will take some getting used to. Maybe it won't last? Anyway, this was great. I really liked the sprite work. I wasn't expecting it to be this long!

I couldn't tell which matches would be the longest. Best was probably the B. B. Hood. Didn't know Harley was that strong. I don't think I played this game. Well, it's been way too long since I played them. I wouldn't have remembered anyway!

PrimeStone responds:

Thank You!

Yes! The Jam finally has its own section! I was disappointed that wouldn't happen. I watched this before and liked it, but didn't love it. Now I love it! It really does show the best animation.

Kevin Macleod really is everywhere! I love how these guys float. Well, only the purple one does that. Hmm, saw that door opening and hitting a guy thinking it's the door gag done in Spongebob. Still funny though.

Why doesn't this have a collection yet?! I know it will eventually. I had never even heard of this series until coming here. The best part was seeing all those guys flying out in space. Easy to catch because of the thumbnail. It was still good in its own right.

The animation was okay...I guess. That's part of the joke. This was funny, but not hilarious. I like how you can do so much with simple designs. Any great artist can do that.

I admit that I thought this was going to be another collab that went on forever. I really was disappointed it was only six minutes long! Okay, this was still awesome. I loved how you re-used certain authors. It's something unique for a collab. I'm not a "Resident Evil" fan.

All I know is that Jill is hot. I have seen the movies. They're at least not as bad as most movies based on video games. Dang, I don't recognize any of the people who worked on this! Still great to see new people working on it.

POSTBOY responds:

"All I know is that Jill is hot"
That's RE fan initiation you're already half way there

Dude, was that the cast of freaking "My Little Pony"? That definitely sounded like Fluttershy! That alone makes it the best of these cartoons. I appreciate the animation. Why don't these Purple Impostor things have their own section? At least they have their own tab.

It's short, but great. There's so much great action in such a short time. Well, so much comedy too. Glad you got the highest score. You certainly deserve it.

Wasn't expecting it to say "ON MARS" at first. No one dies until six minutes in. I admit this was too talky. It's probably the talkiest Madness cartoon ever made. Whatever, it was still great. Just could have used more kills.

I believe the body count was 43. Damn, that's a lot of songs used. Makes sense for something so long. We are much used to longer flashes by now. I can't believe how many beloved cartoons we made this year. It was just incredible!

Damn, are you guys trying to drive me nuts with all these amazing Madness flashes? This deserves its award! Anyway, this is yet another fantastic cartoon for Madness Day 2020. This might be the best year yet! I was trying to count the deaths. I just lost it when all those guys died at once.

Color is so amazing here! I can't believe how bright this bleak looking series can seem. You could just go back and watch all the stuff you missed the first time. Well, maybe not so much miss. Just stuff that you forgot was there. You guys put so much effort into these.

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