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Well, that was certainly good. It's rare to see a Daily Feature also win Underdog Of The Week. That's why I watched this! It has unique awards. The action was as good as ever. It did come off as a tad generic.

It's mostly the same stuff I've seen before. I thought it would be a remake. Well, it kinda was. It just didn't have anything that new. It's still faithful to the style. They've just done everything with Madness.

I'm glad I couldn't predict the ending. I thought she was going to be Greg's wife. Why would she be mad at him? He was just criticizing her brother who's an obvious moron. Anyway, this was quite funny. Wait, so Therapy Dog is his pet now?

Well, pet's probably a bad term to use. I love how she keeps making jokes. I guess he can't understand her unless he's a telepath. Well, this is kind of a surreal cartoon what with the dragon appearing at the end. Didn't see that coming.

I feel bad for giving this four stars. I wish that audio hadn't been removed! Come on, it's not the music video. I probably would have given it a higher if it had the audio. Anyway, this is rather humorous. I especially liked seeing the black and white.

It made the fire all the funnier. I didn't like the cat though. Wait, I care more about cats than people? Yeah, I probably do. This was pretty amusing.

The animation seemed off. I mean, it was way too simple. Your drawings are usually much more fluid. You know Toxic The Machine? He's one of my favorite creators of animutation here! I wish you'd submit an animutation.

That Easter egg goes on forever. You should all know how to get it. I wish I could pause it. It was fairly short, but just fine. It looked like GoAnimate!

Why doesn't Bananaphone have its own section here? It's certainly a meme! It's been awhile since I heard that. I rarely hear the whole song. At first, they just looked like regular forks. I haven't used those in awhile.

It was pretty dumb, but enjoyable. Yeah, Daily 5th Place! You just right click and press "Play". That's how it is for all these Easter eggs.

Yeah, that was kind of dumb. Why did you tell us that Michael Jackson was in this? That kind of ruined the surprise. I wasn't scared at all! Well, I didn't have the hiccups. You get much better later on.

That blue box didn't do anything at the end. I guess the graphic at the end was kind of cool. It didn't amount to much. We thought Michael Jackson was the worst celebrity predator. Boy, were we wrong!

A music video? This was an experimental flash! Yeah, this wasn't as good as the previous entry. What a funny song name. It kind of looks like bologna. It needed more variety.

It needed more shapes. Maybe squares? Next time, you could use triangles. Nice to list your real name. Well, most people have forgotten you by now unfortunately.

Why isn't the rating higher? Okay, it's not great, but it's still good. I love how creative this was. It could have been better though. It was mostly just the same images. Still, it had a lot going on.

It's great to see it escalate. I think the title was a pun on "Heck Yes". I also liked the music. It's quite ambitious. It's too underrated.

Dang, a 4.70! Then again, this has very few votes. This was still hilarious. I loved saying if Garfield didn't suck. I didn't know the Garfield hate was from all the way back than! I loved the God and Jesus bit too.

The 10 minutes bit was awesome as well. I loved how it kept going on. It just wouldn't stop! It's amazing how much you can do. This should be a part of some section.

23?! That really is the number of coincidence! JK, I now that's all crap. I really do like this squiggle vision. It's too silly to really love. That may have been the point.

This seems like an April Fool's Day joke. Well, we all experiment or we should. It was certainly unpredictable. He's not really sticky. He's just a stick.

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