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I'm going to admit that this was not one of your best flashes. I am (somewhat) a fan of yours, and you've done better. I guess I was just expecting to see more pokemon. They have so many designs, it's great to see them animated. I appreciate the really good animation. I don't know much about Pokémon X and Y.

Of course, I never played the original games. Given the sheer number there are, it wouldn't surprise me if they did make designs like these. The music was pretty good too. I thought it might be a series of sketches or something with how it released the next part. Overall, it's nicely done.

NCH responds:

this episode took me about a week to pull it off to go along with the hype of pokemon XY, so yes, its more considered as a throw away gag episode with some minor character establishment for the hunters and a wrap up from episode 2.

also, game mockup animations is one of my fav mediums of animation that I like to do, so this was another guily pleasure of mine.

While I'm not that big of a fan of this series, I still really like it. I think the best part here was probably how you were able to really flesh these characters out. Granted, I still can't remember their names, except Gaylord. Anyway, I truly appreciate the good animation. It was nice to have the voices as good as ever. The dumb guy was my favorite.

I wouldn't want to be involved in any kind of bath with a gaylord. I liked seeing the different enemies. The Creeper is probably the most iconic character the game has. I'm surprised you used the new format. It worked for me for some reason.

I did not like this at all. I think it's mostly because so little happens in this. It's just a short thing of you being scared. At least you managed to make it into the Halloween 2013 collection. I wasn't scared by those faces. It's been too long since those screamer vids were popular.

It didn't help that it was an infinite loop. You can really only use music videos to work with that. Even that, it has to be better done. Well, I shouldn't wish ill luck or anything on you. Happy early Halloween!

AilieTheWolf responds:

okay thanks for the info

I'm going to say right now, I'm disappointed we didn't see more of the naked lady. I'm not a guy who watches a lot of porn, but I felt this way. I guess you could call this a Halloween cartoon. It's just that it's so random, it's scary! Most of your stuff is like that anyway. It does manage to be pretty scary.

I've just seen you do a lot better work. I like the idea of smashing different sounds together. It really is quite engaging. It's just too short. We're used to stuff by people like Weebl that has more going on.

I...honestly didn't see why so many people liked this. I'm sorry, people! It was weird with how it was just a bunch of random flashing images. I admit that the images that were shown were pretty scary. It just didn't add up with how there wasn't a lot of movement. I thought this might be a game at first.

In fact, I think it probably would have worked better as a game. I admit that the "skin" title is retty nice. The word "pixel" actually goes well with the ":". I guess I'm just not thinking what most people do. I also liked it didn't end after "Game Over".

ClockworkPixel responds:

it really isn't just a bunch of random images and there was plenty of move... did you watch it? cause it's not hard to follow at all and yes this would of worked better as a game BUT WE CAN'T ALL CODE!! i don't know HOW to make a game so saying "this would work better as a game" fair enough but voting it down cause it wasn't a game? be fair we can only work with what we know

Wow, that was truly weird. I was expecting something going on in an actual story, but no. This is in itself a really cool cartoon. It just got a tad too repetitive. I know we're used to stuff like "Badgers" where it just goes on forever, but this was different. It was still decent and had a fox at least.

I guess with all the Twitter craze going around, this would make sense. I truly appreciate how you're back to making good cartoons again. This may be the lowest viewed of any cartoon on the Top 50. Congrats to your fans. I'm sorry I wasn't one of those who ranked it high early.

Affinitia responds:

Thankyou very much for your review, Nikki and I always love hearing from you. We are thankful for our friends and supporters who were able to help move this up the list. MUCH THANKS :)

I guess it makes more sense if you're more familiar with the games. I found this to be really interesting. It was great to see all these random scenes together. I had no idea it would be a compilation. I thought it was just going to be a long thing in itself. I imagine the people shown at the beginning are the X and Y gym leaders.

It was funny to see the sprites being used. I did think it was pretty non sequitor. It looked like the whole thing was an experiment for you. I appriecate you taking homage to something so popular. What does the stupid Nostalgia Critic know?

I love this cartoon, because you have no idea where it's going. It makes it seem like it's going to be nothing but crazy shots at first. The best of those was of course the one with the baby. It really does take a different turn. I thought he was going to go through a hoop into his grave. That was just a bad idea to use a cannon.

The voices and animation were as great as ever. I just love the way these characters move. It certainly turned out to be epic! I'm glad you'll always be around to make great cartoons like this! You deserve your Daily Feature.

Dude, this is officially one of the greatest flashes ever made! I love the CGI you use. If most Newgrounds cartoons eventually become like that, I won't have a problem. I just fricking loved how original this idea was. It seemed like such an obvious thing, why has no one done this before? They are pretty adorable.

I knew there would be a twist with the Charmanders. The voices were awesome and soothing. This is probably what would happen to pokemon in real life. Call Smosh! Everything about this was just freaking awesome. I'm a fan of yours now and forever!

It looks like this was just another infinite loop. I'm not too keen on those because there isn't much that goes on with them. I admit that it's very cute. The music isn't bad either. Hey, the Wonka movie with Tim Burton was decent! You need to have more going on, like with Weebl's cartoons.

For some reason, I was reminded of the pig from "Gravity Falls". When is that show on anyway? You seemed to have everything flow rather nicely. Wait, it actually does have an ending. You deserve credit for that.

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