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I kind of thought this one of the lesser entries. Don't get me wrong, it's still good. It's just weird with the ad at the end. It looks like these are original characters. Please release all these characters in one compilation! Okay, that is a good visual gag.

I'm still reminded of "Pizza Tower". I guess it's just the pink headgear. I see that kind of thing a lot. I'm always reminded of Louise Belcher. Dang, you still have the best titles.

Wow, this was awesome! Now that I think about it, it's probably for the better that this wasn't released on Madness Day. You wouldn't have gotten the Daily Feature! This is one of my favorite submissions for Madness Day 2023! This character is so much fun! She reminds me of Amy with her mallet from "Sonic The Hedgehog".

Is it a mallet or a hammer? Anyway, she was just so happy and energetic. You rarely see females at all in "Madness Combat", let alone ones as the protagonist. Happy Madness Day 2023 indeed! You always make amazing Madness flashes. This ranks as among the best.

Well, that was indeed odd. The best part was probably seeing how you looked. I assume you look like that, right? I mean, I do doubt the authenticity of your story. It's still pretty cool. I had no idea The Rock would appear.

It's great to see a different style for you. You've never lacked color. Dang, are you prolific. You rarely make ones this long too. I'm not on BuzzFeed.

It was indeed beautifully animated. I admit I didn't see that much when it came to trees. It was more like worms. Okay, there were some trees in there. When it showed them actually growing, it was great. Then again, there were kind of more like vines.

The music was quite nice too. I'm glad it wasn't too long. It was fine for a brief, colorful cartoon. We can always use color here too. The title was lowercase for some reason.

Goji responds:

I appreciate the feedback :) thank you!

This was really funny. The best part is probably the ending. He was definitely lying! My mom has pigeons that come to their apartment regularly. They're her friends. I appreciate this animation.

It's like something from "The Amazing World Of Gumball". Damn, I love that show. It had just the right running time too. How can that cop even see through his hat? He looks like a worm with limbs.

This was longer than most "Pizza Tower" submissions. That didn't necessarily mean it was better. I'm so used to these characters by now. Where is the actual gameplay? I'll never get Louise Belcher out of my head. It doesn't have to be exactly like the game.

These cartoons seem to all have the same animation. I could use more variety. Well, you are trying to be authentic. I'll give you credit for that. I don't know which console it's on.

Hey, first time I saw a Madness intro this year! It wasn't a new one. I thought this would be a game at first. I thought that was all games loaded. Well, it was nice to not have a standard thing. I loved the animation. Ooh, a bit too late in submission time.

It was great to see you mock X. That's such a stupid name. Elon Musk deserves to be bashed for that too. Quite literally here. I only got a kill count of 12.

Oh, that was it? It didn't do much for me. I will admit it was at least interesting to hear stuff from that episode. I was hoping you'd show the line where Homer voted on who wanted to go through the cactus patch. You know, when Sideshow Bob said, "No!". It was still animated nicely.

It's been awhile since I've heard from you, JoelOnToast. Then again, it's hard to keep up with anyone. This was still okay for a quick joke, which I say all the time. It's hard not to repeat things. It's just fine.

I was kind of impressed by this cartoon. I will admit these animations aren't that unique. I liked how he just threw the banana away. You'd think he would have at least eaten it. I don't know what the giant mouse was about. I'd have to be more familiar with the gameplay.

I've mostly just seen the parodies. I'm glad it was longer than most of these. Well, maybe it would have been better if it was short. I don't know what war this guy fought in. Oh, we've always been at war in some way or another.

Well, after watching (or playing) ten Madness submissions for this year's Madness Day, I've finally come to the worst. Honestly, it isn't the most terrible Madness thing I've seen. I've seen some submissions that were just tests. Those don't belong here at all. There was at least some variety.

The characters didn't all look the same. It just needs to be longer. I got a whopping full hour of Madness content (besides games) seen in one day! You need to have this be much longer. At least this had backgrounds, although even those were probably too wide.

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