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Why do these get so few views? I know it's kind of hypocritical for me to hate the villain. He's supposed to be annoying! I just felt it didn't make much sense. I still love this episode. I especially love the intro, where you see all the characters.

Sonata's probably the best, because of her stretching powers. Yes, paying rent is really annoying. I still found this unique. I should have expected that last punchline. They have long noses.

That was really a very emotional cartoon. I'm glad it's getting this recognition. The best part is probably the message it sends. It's simply about coming to terms with your own mortality. It all comes together so well at the end. I'm glad everything worked out in the story, more or less.

The music was fantastic too. It fit the mood wonderfully. I just loved the use of blue in this and how the colors all came together at the end. It really does teach you about spirituality. You should be making more stuff here now.

And Merry Christmas to you for your Daily Feature! You truly deserved it! I was surprised that there were no other cartoons here with the name. You were lucky to be the one with it. I just love the animation. It seems like Madness Combat mixed with Homestar Runner.

Boy, what a weird combo that is. I'm glad you were so faithful to the original story. Well, it's around Halloween when I'm writing this. I remember some of those lines being exactly from the book. Yes, I've read it!

You deserved the awards for this. I'm much more used to you making animutation. It was great to see what your actual art style looks like. Then again, I do like your animutation better. I just love seeing how fluidly everyone looks. Everyone moves in a wonderfully cartoonish way.

I think the best thing is how there's no actual gore until the very end. It actually looks pretty innocent for the most part. I don't think Frosty the Snowman was ever Santa's sidekick. Whatever, he's a Christmas icon. It's entertaining enough.

I admit that I don't love this as much as most people, but I still love it! It's just nice how the jokes keep going on and on. I had no idea you could change it into the mp4 format here. This is certainly too old for that format to be its original one. It was nice to see how faithful you were to the series. You even made Navi useful!

These characters show a lot of expression. It is funny to see Navi naked all close up like that. Then again, I haven't played a lot of the recent games. The sudden swearing was funny too. It's just nice to review something so popular here.

I found this very funny. I loved the stinger. It's just nice to see where you go with this. It's just something so ridiculous, it's hard for anything to work out for it. I liked hearing about those other restaurant founders. That coffee looked too big.

The animation is really good too. These are pretty likeable characters. It's nice how a lot of these people are so casual about the size. That has nothing to do with Jesus' penis! That is a funny line again, though.

It was great how you put all these references in. I think the animation has gotten better. It's really great to see the alien too. It looked kind of pointless at first. It ended up explaining a major plot point. I really like them discussing why the klay men dying were bad.

It does make sense. It's nice to have these parts be fairly long. It makes sense to put it into different parts. It must be nice getting two awards on the same day! It's quite nicely done.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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