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This really was quite funny. Even if I'm not that familiar with this game, I can laugh at it. It's mostly because this horse is just so stupid. Well, the other one's pretty dumb too. The animation is so lush in this. It's just great to see everyone frustrated.

The last joke was the best. I just like how stupid that horse looks. I am glad to know you go under all these aliases. It's hard to keep up. I can still always recognize your animation style.

I am so sorry, but I am still not able to get into this series. It's just more people fighting. Is it supposed to be something really cultured? I guess the voices are pretty good. With the bone shredding, it just seems you're trying to make this as weird as possible. If your name a reference to "Yu-Gi-Oh"?

That was big at the time this was made. I understand that people love this. The animation actually looks kind of bad in some places. It was kind of unique. It just doesn't make sense in the world it creates for itself.

Well, this was a word for word rendition of the poem. I can't really tell you to do any more. It's just everything that the poem is! I guess I forgot how long this was. I guess it might be a bit too long. You still definitely had your own style.

I have forgotten how much narrative this had. Poems can certainly be epic. I guess it's just been too long since I've heard the whole thing. I was wondering what kind of style this was similar to. I could easily figure out it was from "The Nightmare Before Christmas".

Here's another great cartoon because it just keeps going. It seemed like it would end pretty early. It was so cool to see good keep coming back. I guess it will never truly die! The animation is great too. I guess these guys were suppose to be like the shoulder angels.

You took a fairly simple concept and made it great. The best part was probably when they all came back at the end. It just shows how important everything is. I was already in a seat before watching this. It was just fun.

It's great to see this finally get finished! I guess this was still a lot shorter than your klay movie. It's great to see Dr. Bob injured. He just looks funny all flat. I don't think he really dies in the regular series. I liked the Gumby joke.

There were nice unpredictable things in this. Everything just keeps building on himself. That's just how this finale should be! I really appreciate the music at the end. The size wasn't much of a problem this time.

I was very impressed by this! I think the best part is simply how we get to see these guys together. I am so glad to see The-Swain again! Or rather, hear him. It just seems like everyone's going away nowadays. I love the animation.

The best part is probably around 1:29, when you get to see that cool creature from the back. I'm not that familiar with Minecraft. I still managed to enjoy this. It was weird for TomaMoto to be a writer. You guys switched roles!

It's weird how this won Daily Feature and Review Crew Pick. It was mostly what I expected. It was something really silly that still had some effort in it. The last half is really annoying. It doesn't amount to much. Well, you certainly got your message across. Please don't make a cartoon about winning Underdog Of The Week and Daily Feature.

I just liked the photography. It showed some diversity. Your voice is pretty funny. I assume it's your voice at least. I'm glad it was short.

AmazinLarry responds:

yea I rushed the last half because I had to make it in time for nata announcing their winners. I dont even know how I won either of those rewards. and yea its my voice

I was quite impressed by this! At first, I thought it was too long. It just seemed to be going into another story with the girl. I am glad it was a lot more interesting than that. I thought the animation didn't hold up that well. It still looks great for something early you made!

I love how it has a nice story. I knew you'd show him fighting somebody. It would just be too short. Adam looks a lot like Dib from "Invader Zim". In fact, they all kind of look like characters from that show.

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