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That was pretty fun. I admit that I wasn't that interested in it as most people. It was more of a recap than a direct parody. I appreciate the animation as always. The best part was probably the end. Yes, I have heard of Elsagate.

The thing is, I don't think I saw those dirty videos. I only saw the clean ones. Oh well, this was a great recap. I still love "Let It Go". How ironic, as I'm listening right now to En Vogue's "Don't Let Go".

I knew his grandmother would die for real at the end. She'd have to die eventually! I did not have to deal with this. You liked "Kazaam"? No, that's just a gag. I don't think I've ever used a Playstation 2.

With the Internet, you could just play games online! It's like I do here! I always feel bad for you. Loved that toothpaste joke. Yeah, I thought you'd say it worked.

Wow, that was weird. It wasn't really good or bad. Just really twisted. "Yu-Gi-Oh" is really easy to make fun of. The voices are quite funny. The animation was just so deranged.

There was definitely a lot of effort put into the animation. The jokes are pretty clever. It's just too grotesque for me to really recommend. I like the idea of Yugi being a jerk. He was more in the original manga.

I have seen a speedrun of this. It was 94m! Wow, that was a lot shorter! Anyway, this was very funny. I just loved all the fine details here and there. I liked seeing the sprite explosions.

I recognize most of these stock recordings. I've watched stuff like "Sonic X" and "Spongebob Squarepants". The drawings are very funny. It's so funny to see how fast he goes. I knew something like that would happen.

That was really cute! It's amazing how much you can do in such a short time. I don't hear Daisy's voice much. I didn't know she sounded like that. It sure is a funny voice. What a nice little cartoon.

That voice is so funny. I love how their eyes are done. This actually didn't seem too short. You got a good number of material in. The colors are great too.

That was great! It's amazing how such a dumb game can get such a good collab made out of it. It's probably just meant to be ironic. A shame the credits seemed to take up such a large part. Or was that meant to be like the game? Eh, I've obviously never played it.

It's amazing how many new artists I discover here. I think Sissie's might've been my favorite. Just how Luigi acts. Congratulations on your Daily Feature! It was certainly worth it. Hard to go wrong with these.

This was definitely fun. The animation made everything flow so well together. I still can't quite give it a full score. I mean, it could have been funnier. The best part was at the end. I think that's the girl from "The Exorcist".

It kind of reminded me of Ghostmas from "Blockhead". The designs are great. You show real creativity here. Congratulations on getting a 4.70! I don't know if I've seen a higher score for a cartoon here!

I admit this seemed a bit too long. I just wanted less of a story. It was still pretty good. I loved that Minecraft bit at the end. Yay for Egoraptor! I wish those guys were back.

At least you're still here. I can see that it was 5 separate episodes. It's too long for one cartoon. The narratives do flow pretty well. At least everyone else likes this.

I admit I was kind of turned off by it at first. It was weird to see SpongeBob and Squidward covered in blood. Have I seen this before? It must have been the opening. It was great to see the villains.

They really have had some colorful villains, haven't they? I appreciate the awesome animation. Now, we have even better cartoons to make into anime. An MLP one probably already exists. Rick and Morty?

That was surprisingly good. I didn't know it was possible to make dead babies funny, but you did it. Wait, that's been done. It's still a funny image. I especially enjoy the slow motion plastic bag. Maybe the man baby joke has been done too.

It's still hilarious. The best part's the animation. A guy wearing plastic bags is just funny to me. They do last a long time. They seem to be replacing paper.

BigCronch responds:

thank you, glad you liked it! The animators done an amazing job on it

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