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That might be the longest Madness cartoon I've ever seen! I admit this was kind of a weak point. I wish it was shorter. There was too much exposition! I never thought I'd see that in a Madness cartoon. It was still unique.

You know how to set up a story. Weird to have voice acting in a Madness cartoon. Then again, it was another language anyway! It was weird not to even have the word "Madness" in the title. The colors were wonderful and this is definitely worth seeing.

It seems like this is the first great Newgrounds cartoon of the new decade! I really did enjoy this. My favorite part might have been when he was taking off his masks, er faces. The lyrics were really nice. There's so much going on in this music video. The lines are amazing.

Thanks for including the English lyrics. A true work of art can be appreciated by anyone of any language. It's just nothing but cool effect after cool effect. The surrealism works so well. Glad to see this when it first came into the portal.

I liked this, but didn't love it. I guess I wanted more of a story. It certainly took me by surprise. I thought it would be a music video. Instead, it was about a gang shooting! I'll give you credit for that.

The music's pretty good too. Happy 2020! Well, this was released before that. The length was good too. The stop motion effects were quite nice.

That was really funny. She had these giant boobs and he's attracted to her feet? That's what made her kill him? Dang, that's harsh. I love how serious it starts out. You know something funny's going to happen.

I never played "Dark Souls", but I've heard of it. That's how I am with most games. I love her voice and more. The animation was so slick. So queens can be attractive too.

I admit this was a weaker submission for you. That still means it was good! The animation is as crisp as ever. This needs its own section. Do we even have those anymore? Always great to see new stuff from great authors.

It was too short. The ending was still pretty effective. You can be good with something short. You deserve your Daily 2nd Place. Hmm, that might not be saying much.

Hikarian responds:

As mentioned in the description this is just a little clip from the upcoming episode. I just wanted to show a bit of what I've been up to since it'll still be a while since the full story is finished. Know a single clip is not the most suitable for Newgrounds, but couldn't help myself - look forward to sharing more!

That was a rather cute little cartoon. I appreciate the animation. I like how they were afraid it would come alive at the end. Turns out it does come alive! I remember some other stuff you made. It's not the name, it's the animation.

Your avatar's cute. Still, Merry Christmas! Well, two days late. Only 364 days until Christmas. It's a leap year in 2020 remember?

Merry Christmas, Clock Crew! Boy, was it joyous to see the longest Christmas submission this year on Christmas! I liked the narrative that was going on at first, you know with the poo murderer. I wish it was more ongoing. It was still quite fun. I love the styles, even going into live-action!

The bits at the end with the characters being killed was funny too. I knew Hanukkah would be mentioned eventually. It seems like we did get a lot of good Christmas submissions this year. May the holiday spirit never die down! It kept my interest most of the time.

Kevin MacCleod? That guy really is everywhere! He has thousands of credits! Anyway, this was great. I admit to not really liking yams. I'd be mad too.

Isn't this the same as a Thanksgiving dinner? That's kind of redundant. What's the point of Thanksgiving if we eat the same thing at Christmas dinner? The animation was fantastic. Great to see these guys play off each other and Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you too! An 8's the highest I can give you. It was just cartoons saying "Merry Christmas". Still, there's nothing wrong with that. I understand people love it. Wow, you were close to winning the three main awards.

I guess people just love Christmas that much. The voices were great. Amazing you had so many for a short cartoon. It still gets its warmth across. It's pretty cute.

I don't think Christian's that common of a name really. I was actually raised in a big religious household. I'm still Methodist. I thought it was the 12 Days of Christmas. Well, Christmas is actually even celebrated by people who hate religion. Hanukkah doesn't really have secular aspects, does it?

That's because Hanukkah's apparently a dumb holiday. What about New Year's? You hear about Jews a lot, but there really aren't many of them. There's Eastern religions that are way more popular. I don't know about their holidays.

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