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That was quite fun. It reminded me of Pikachu. Well, that's probably just because the "Detective Pikachu" cartoon is still on the front page. I just loved how cute the chinchilla was. I'm not that familiar with those animals.

The pacing was great as well. I had no idea it would be this good. Then again, I rarely see good stuff brand new on the portal. The boxing glove's cute. It's a fun little cartoon.

That was quite nice! I admit the credits took up too much of the video. It's still very nice. It's something we can all associate with. Well, maybe not divorce. Just sadness in general.

I think the animation's really nice. It's great to have something so realistic. It shows you how our world works. Thanks for the kind words in the author's comments. Nice to know it isn't that negative.

AguRex responds:

Hao de... thanks a lot 😊.
Well its how I felt when I listened to the song.
Glad you like it 😊

Wow, I haven't seen a submission with this high a rating in a long time! Boy, does it ever deserve it! My favorite part is how beautiful the animation is. This is seriously some of the best I've ever seen on this website ever! I knew it would be Tim. I remember watching "Pokemon: Detective Pikachu".

It was the most critically acclaimed video game movie of all time! I just love the voices. Everything moves so wonderfully. I'm glad it wasn't too short. Well, there was a trailer for it. Gee, I wonder if this will win Daily Feature?

As a huge "Pokemon" fan myself, I actually never collected the cards. Of course I knew about the holographic Charizard! Wow, Kevin MacLeod again? That dude has literally thousands of IMDb credits! Oh yeah, these are stick figure cartoons. I never thought of it that way.

I guess I was expecting something more violent. My favorite joke was about the title. More people should say that! I don't know if a car dealership pays more than my job. Doesn't seem that bad!

Great to see how smart these babies are. I think this might have had the best animation. The facial expressions were great. I admit to knowing little about Jeffrey Epstein. I'm glad you told me about him! Turns out all criminal charges were dropped.

I never even heard of him when the Metoo hashtag was going around. You'd think that would be bigger news. It's funny to think of babies as conspiracy theorists. They even acknowledge that they're babies! Wow, they are foul-mouthed.

Wow, this has a 4.40? I was expecting the whole collab. The best part was seeing all those different styles in the beginning. You did get a lot of them in. It was too short. The title took up half the running time!

It was still nice to see all this. I don't recognize most of the artists. There's just so many here! This is the highest rated cartoon of the decade! The full collab will be even higher.

Uh, what? It seemed to just be showing a beef wellington. I thought this would be an instructional cartoon. You know, how to cook it. I guess it was well animated. It's just so little happening.

Happy 2020, I suppose. Nice to know you classic animators are still around. It looks more like bread. Then again, I don't think I've ever had that before. It looks nice!

Luis responds:

If swain made a longer video I could have done more with it. Blame him pls

Damn, I feel bad for not knowing more about this. Ever since I lost cable, I stopped watching "The Daily Show". Who says that isn't an effective way of learning the news? Well, this wouldn't be something above Trump. At least marijuana's becoming legal. We'll all be too high to care!

This is my favorite in the series. It might be the most significant entry. Loved the impeachment joke. Hopefully the new "Roaring Twenties" won't be the roaring of bombs. I love how you mention no one assassinates the President anymore. That was all the rage from 1865 to 1901, look it up!

Wow, I was quite impressed by this. There just seemed to be so many different styles of animation going on. My only complaint is that some of the artwork did seem off. It's still very visually impressive. I haven't seen the other entries. Pity this isn't well known.

I like it a lot. It kind of reminded me of "Warhammer 40K". We need more stuff like this. I'm glad at least I can review it. There's so much going on it's hard to even comprehend it!

Hmm, this was pretty good. I just didn't think it was deserving of such a high score. It reminded me of Zelda. The best part was probably how well it was paced. You rarely see a shovel being used as a weapon. The animation wasn't bad.

Well, most people liked it a lot more. It probably could have been longer. Seems like every cartoon I've been reviewing here is a minute and a half long. Probably too short for a music video.

4thNoah responds:

i am glad you still liked it in fairness.
Brace yourself games did made a Legend of zelda and Crypt of the necrodancer combined game called Cadence of Hyrule on swtich. personally cant say much about it because i have yet to play it myself.

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