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It was pretty hard to tell what was going on at the end. Did they get into a time machine? But I digress. I appreciated some of this for encouraging me to give blood. I would never do it, as I'm simply too scared. I didn't think the artwork was that good at all. It just didn't have much going on.

The text on the bottom of the screen got old fast. I do like what you are trying to do. I imagine there are people who do stuff like this. I guess I can't give you guys flak for never wanting to do anything good. Still not a fan of yours.

I could tell that this was in part of a series. I can't believe I never stumbled onto this before! I was just amazed at how wonderfully drawn everything was. I really did think these characters had great personalites, despite the fact that you could not understand them. It also helps that squirrels are funny. I had no idea what would happen next.

Everything was so delightfully cartoonish in this. The colors were wonderfully bright. I could really understand what was going on in these characters' heads, literally. It reminded me of Pingu, with its lack of real dialogue. Great from beginning to end! You just got yourself a new fan!

This is easily the best entry in the series yet. I'm not that big a fan of these cartoons. I just think Bonus Stage was a lot better. I really like how good the animation is and everything. I could actually remember the previous episodes. With all the stuff I watch, that can be hard.

How many times is LeMarion going to escape death? I especially love how he's designed with that small lower body. One thing that bothered me though. If they're aliens, how can they be cannibals if they're eating a different species? The voices were great too.

Well, I pretty much had no idea what was going on. I hope I don't have to go and see the other 36 entries in the Internet to understand it. I appreciate the good animation. It seems like you guys do have good animation in your works even if the actual content isn't that much. I like how the stick exploded. Sorry, I can't remember everybody's name.

I'm getting more used to that "The End" thing at, well, the end. This definitely has potential. It's nice to have your name be a tag. I imagine such long running series couldn't have such long episodes. Still nice.

Alphaman responds:

10/10 would bang this review

I had no idea this would be that good. It didn't even seem like a comedy at first, although I could tell there were some jokes in it. I really appreciate how everything just builds up to the end. It's always nice to have topical stuff going on. Looking back, you can always tell when something was made. The artwork was great in this.

You really did try something new with this cardboard cutout stuff. I knew it was going to build up to something really interesting. It just seemed too boring for something made by you guys. Luckily, with the recession affecting my family, I'm not thinking that much about the shutdown. I don't see how it could get any worse for me, but I don't really want to get into politics here.

This was pretty strange. I thought it was going to be something deep about how we're all obsessed with consumerism. The weird thing is that it just seemed a bit too short to send that message. You ended by giving only one example. I am kind of glad I don't use those websites that often. I think my e-mail is now incompatible with them.

The animation was great. I could totally see a scenaro like this happening. I don't want to go and be all philosophical here, but you make great points. I love cartoons that make you think like that. I will probably never become like this.

Wow, it's great that you finally came back! I like how you answered so many questions in the author's comments. I still think this isn't as good as the other ones. It's just that the third one was so good. I do appreciate seeing these characters and styles again. They look a lot like "South Park" characters.

It's funny to see how the CGI stands out. I wish Scrooge and Vegeta could have been in this more. It's funny to hear these voices. I saw a Beagle Boy down there. I haven't seen "The Iron Giant".

Macaroni-Penguin responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! I agree this doesn't live up to the third one, but I wanted to start my new season with something short and simple so I could give the new style a test drive. Don't worry; Vegeta's still on his way. :)

Ha, I freaking love this. I think it's mostly because it's something we can just associate with. Well, it's something we can all at least understand. For some reason, the mp4 format worked this time. Anyway, I really liked the animation here. It was great just to see how every facial expression worked.

As someone who's studied animation, I know how that works. I heard this was the fastest selling product of all time! It makes perfect sense. Is GTA online really out? No, I'm not a fan, just wondering.

This was fairly short, but I really liked it. I think it's because you just have no idea what's going to happen next. The punchline actually makes sense. I believe you are in fact Jewish, because you're from Israel. I appreciate the good animation. I could never figure that back writing out.

I imagine it must be fun. Then again, I have no girlfriend. Given the fact that you made it, it should win some sort of positive award. The voices are really good. It's simply an enjoyable cartoon.

I have to admit that this was quite unpredictable. I felt for sure that the two colors were going to combine to form green. It just seemed like something that would make sense to me. I was not expecting the red color to show up. There's still a tad bit of white that's unmarked. That should be green!

I loved the music. It's weird how there does not seem to be anyone living in this town. I wonder how they react to this? It's weird how a gunshot is as strong as a dragon's breath. This was a really fun little cartoon.

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