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Wow, something went wrong with my computer. It had a close up for no reason. Must have been something wrong, because I tried to zoom out and nothing happened. I still liked this. I didn't like it as much as your other stuff because, well, it was weird how it didn't really go anywhere. It was still nicely animated and voiced.

I like how ChocolateMan has the StrawberryClock voice. The words shown down on the news report were good because they were slow enough to read. Something about Wayne Brady. I really don't get the turtle thing. You're known for shorter stuff, so I thought the intro would be it.

LazyMuffin responds:

Yeah, some people have an issue with the last scene AKA the scene I put the most effort into. I tried to make it so the video is the default cause the .swf seems to be problematic for some.

I understand how you might see it as not going anyone, since the beginning was all exposition and this episode really just got the series started. It a lot of setting up, hopefully you'll enjoy the next part. The turtle is in a spiritual mind-quest, in short.

Thanks for the comment

I really liked this! I appreciated you referencing the Winter Olympics. It's always nice to have topical stuff. That's probably the main reason "South Park" is so popular. Anyway, the animation was really cute! I'm just going to not mention the controversy with gay rights in Russia.

I just loved the cartoonish overlook of this. There's some really good slapstick in here. It's made better by the fact that everyone's unintelligible. I thought you were the same guy who did those versus cartoons. Wait, are you under a different account?

I was quite impressed by this. At first, I thought it was a reference to the movie "Gravity". I then noticed it couldn't be because of the date. Wait, maybe you just heard about it as an upcoming movie? I appreciate all the good designs. It does kind of lose it at the end, but I don't care.

The music is really cool too. I couldn't quite tell what was going on or what the message was here. It probably doesn't matter. It's one of the better lesser known high rated clock flashes. I'm glad to have seen it.

This didn't seem like an entry from you, captainmcross. It seemed more like LazyMuffin. I noticed you guys do kind of have similar art styles. I thought the animation was really good, in case you couldn't figure it out. I love this because there's just so much you can do with genies. I actually had sort of a similar joke myself.

A guy asks a genie if he can change the rules or if the can change that. Then, he already used up his three wishes. That was MY IDEA, first! I really had no idea what was going to happen next. It looked like the kid didn't get his last wish, at least not the way he wanted.

It's kind of sad to see this from you. I think I mistook you for Wonchop at first. Your names are pretty similar. I just didn't care for a simple trailer. It was short, I'll give you that. You are not known for games. I'm more used to your really funny cartoons.

It does have some pretty good colors, I believe. Of course, you can't judge a book by its cover. Or I guess a game by its trailer in this case. The tank isn't really jumping that much. It's a tank at least.

You've made so much stuff, I'm so glad I can remember the first in the series! What really makes this is how it does have a really good story. My only complaint was that the part in the middle with the dad hanging went on a bit too long. The mood was still broken wonderfully. It wasn't as sexually explicit as I thought. I guess that's a good thing.

It's been awhile since you've made an ongoing series. Thanks for all the responses you usually give to me! It helps that the animation is fantastic. Flower power has never been better. The voices are good too.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers, ericho, i appreciate your reviews, this one felt fair and balanced and did not compare it with other dissimilar films, i give it 3.5/5.

I'm so glad someone managed to make a front page Adventure Time submission. It's probably the most popular cartoon online next to MLP. There should be a crossover. I loved the animation in this. It makes you wonder why Jake doesn't stretch his body to be like Lady Rainicorn. I imagine they have to be the same size to have, uh, you know.

I should have known it would be the Ice King. I love Finn's face at the end. Glad he didn't become part of it. It was sad to see Lady Rainicorn like that. Glad everything worked out, sorta. It does fit in with the bizarre nature of the show.

I found this to be a very good submission. It probably works so well because it has cats in it! Yeah, that's probably the most popular animal on the Internet. The notion of them going into space is just awesome. It helps that the animation is great and the song is fantastic. You just can't go wrong with this.

I wish I had some idea which language this was. It really does tell a good, if simple story. I can see why it has such a high score. A pity this didn't win any award. I guess "soul" is a pretty generic title.

Ah, I love this one. I think the best part is probably how it just keeps the jokes going. I never saw that Dragon Drop joke coming. I just love how good the animation is. The noses look like they're muppets. I love the voices too.

You could substitute the dragon for Spike from MLPFIM. Everyone loves him! I just love how he keeps on making dragon after dragon. I also like how earnest the other guy is. It's just a wonderful cartoon.

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