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Quite inspiring

People are always going to come up with new and original Madness tributes. The best thing about this is how good the character designs are. The best definitley belongs to the main enemy he fights at the end with the red visor. It was funny to see its armor being taken off and it is revealed to be a guy with a face! That has to be the longest epilogue I have seen in a cartoon in proportion to the rest of its length. I could not understand the chalky scenes, but they were certainly cool.

It seems like you could have just put the whole thing in one bit without the dialogue. The red words at the beginning on the screen say "WARNING!". I looked at some of the posters and one of them has a guy with the captain "WANTED: Extremely dead". I think another has a picture of a cat saying, "WANTED: On fire". It's weird how he has blue blood.

tomtyke responds:

if you look very carefully, i did put a little bit of humour in there, nice and tidy so it's hard to spot, read what the password is during the note section ;D

How nice

I was thinking it was going to cut to Count Vile drawing the thing. A pity he had to kill his turtle assistant while he was destroying the Earth. I guess I forgot this was April Fool's Day because I didn't expect it until the end! Well, in that sense, at least I managed to get a true prank for myself. I did not understand this at first, because I knew you guys were out promoting the second "Press Start" movie, but now I understand the joke. For something so cheesily animated, it was fun to watch.

It makes me wonder if you really are going to start with new animation. The cheesiness of the old kind reminded me of the type "South Park" has. This was even closer to SP animation than the other kinds were. It's fun to see Count Vile act so giddy and I think he did animate this. I hope you do well with the movie!


This may be the longest video you have ever made or at least the one that has the biggest story. The guy with the crow face kind of reminded me of the title characters from "Spy Vs. Spy". Maybe they were inspired by crows to look like that. This had some really great music and I could have sworn I heard this before. I doubt I have because I have in no way ever heard of submatukana before. I doubt I could even guess what country they are from!

The coolest thing was how there was so much action going on. I had no idea why there were suddenly trees being torn apart by machine guns, but it was sweet! I rarely see action in the stuff you make. As always, the animation was fantastic and there is so much detail put into every single character. The background of this deranged world is great as well.

Fairly funny

You should really see more female fighters being used like this. It just had a really sweet tone to it with how he actually seem to fall in love with her. I loved the music used in the cartoon as well as the music used in the credits. I don't know why, I thought the song in the credits was going to be "Maniac". While not some of your best work, definitley worth seeing and recommending. This is just a cartoon that really has fun with how light-hearted it is, at least for you.

I mean, it doesn't have any killing or anything, but a lot of good humor. I even liked the guy who appeared in the beginning and middle. I am glad he got his day by being waved at! The action in this is fairly good, but I liked the humor and emotions more. There was some graffiti at the end, it was just a bunch of "yo"s and "dawg"s and stuff.

I have herpes

It is great to see you once again using your sophisticated animation to entertain us. As it is episode 2, it is hard to call this a prequel. While a fairly confusing cartoon, it still had enough randomness to be funny. I believe penguins and most birds do in fact eat their own vomit. I guess when the other penguin vomited (the second one) the other took it as a sign. I was disappointed to not see the regular characters in this. It seemed weird how they were in the intro but not the cartoon itself.

At least you still keep that cool music at the beginning. It's fun just to listen to how silly the penguins sound. I guess by now I have gotten over caring about not being able to understand anything even though I studied some Spanish. It looks like you are off to a good year. As I did not see "Brokeback Mountain", I couldn't really understand the references to it.

She's still hot!

This was the best of the entire series because it had a heck of a lot more action than all the other entries did! I see that you, redminus have worked on a ton of great things. Caxx was just fantastic as the voice as well. What really made this great was that not only did it have the best animation, but also the largest set of characters ever! You would think that for an April Fool's Day submission, it would be cheesy, but it definitley wasn't. Morrigan was pretty annoying in this, but dang, she was still so hot!

It was just great to see that stereotypical girl interact in a world like that. Sadly, I doubt I will ever get "Marvel Vs. Capcom 3" as I really do not have the time. I mean, I write so many reviews here! It's great how you managed to make just one fantastic submission after another! Any fan of video games should find this hilarious!

Makes sense

I remember how you (Kirbopher) seem to be working on a new April Fool's Day cartoon every year it seems. I am disappointed that the rest of the website did not seem to share this idea. It is great to see CardGamesFTW working on a second cartoon. Sure, he hasn't done much stuff on this website but it's great to have him here. In case anyone is wondering, the Easter eggs are at the end with the things in the right hand corner. When I first saw this title, I knew it was you, Kirbopher who was working on it.

I knew that football had a fair share of homoeroticism to it. Don't worry, I will never hold it against you guys how I never got to be a voice in this series. I hope you all had a happy April Fool's Day! While a parody of a parody, the animation was as decent as ever. I think I can guess who Psyguy is voicing in this.

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