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Certainly decent

It seems like you were really working on making an experimental flash with this. I know it does not say that in the description but that is how I interrupted it. The only problem is that it is in fact fairly short with not that much point. I recognized the sound effect as being from that one bomb game with medals. This was certainly creative, as I had absolutely no idea what was going to show up next on the screen. The green main character kind of reminds me of Oogie Boogie.

It seems like you were vaguely going "Ghostbusters" with what his appearance was. I love how it transitions to a scene where the art is completely different. He did seem to really contrast with the background in the first half of the cartoon. It was nice to also know what he was thinking. It doesn't matter if a story makes any sense, as long as the animation is good.

mesclas responds:

thx :)

Not terrible

I like how you (AbsintheClock) has Salvador Dali on your profile as this is something that would fit him perfectly! The layout of this was actually fairly decent, it just got repetitive. I suppose the song might eventually stop, but so far I am not sure. Oh yeah, I just found out it does in fact end it features a character from "Dexter's Labrotory". It is not the most rewarding thing, but I have definitley seen worse. The designs of the three playing guys are really original!

I like how they manage to show off a lot given their strange body frames. The one guy on the far right seemed especially good. It is just that you really need a lot more action if you want to make something that is geniunely good. I would love to see these guys move around in their environment. The ending was pretty unexpected, though.

You had the decency...

...to describe everything you were saying in the author comments. That still, however, did not stop this from being fairly annoying. I have always learned that you need to have details show rather than tell if you truly want credit for it. It was also a bit annoying with how you waited so long to actually show us what the cartoon was! Yes, people, there is in fact a scene after he's done typing that shows some stuff he did. Even then, it's not that rewarding but it is something.

I wish the entire submission had simply been that and nothing else. Next time, please work on not repeating things you explicitly state in the author's comments. Congradulations on managing to have such a high rating on this. The most enjoyable part was probably hearing that good song at the end. Is this based on a true story?

How sadistic

It's great fun to look at some older stuff made by some of our favorite contributors. I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day or at least better than what this girl did. It's really creepy how he keeps that calm voice the entire time. I was expecting him to maybe not say what he was literally doing, but he did! That managed to make it all the more effective and truly shows how psychotic he is. This is a much more normal cartoon, in that everything can happen in real life making it more realistic and therefore more frightening.

In case anyone's wondering, here is what the sign in the background says. It's, "Work A Place Of Working You Must Work Now And Stop Reading This. Actually You Must Work Harder As A Punishment. So Sayeth I". I am not sure if I got the punctuaction right, but that is what the sign says. Your animation has always been good, too.

Boogie wonderland!

My older brother was a big fan of disco when he was younger so this was great to hear. I don't think I even knew that the lyrics to that song were "Boogie Wonderland"! This was extremely random, but it's disco Luigi so everything works out in the end. I was expecting him to masturbate or something. Wow, I really have been on the Internet too long. The strongest part of this was probably the animation, especially given that this was not an action cartoon.

It was cool when those mushroom girls randomly started appearing. It was slow at first, because of how long he was watching the TV. I am so glad that was not the cartoon itself! This whole thing had that random humor that makes websites like this so good. It was great to see Luigi with sunglasses and a brown afro too.


It was weird how Topcatyo did not have a "clock" title in his name on the author & file information. It is always great to be introduced to new characters. I would have never guessed that someone named ActionClock would have one of those movie things as his or her icon. The best part is that you guys just look so great in this. It seems like you went through half a dozen art shifts as everything kept looking different! It got a bit weak at times, like with the fight sequence.

You could have used more of a background, but as it's a Clock flash, I did not really care. I like how you gave so much animation to the way they were talking. It is hard to put into words; I am talking about those little lines that signify that you are talking. Congradulations on working on this for a year! You have done your crew honor.

Very nice!

I was not expecting something that was geniunely good when I unearthed this submission. The fact that it was not submitted on Clock Day makes it even more impressive. I guess people could just not help but get into the holiday spirit! The funniest was probably at the end of Pop-Tart Clock's part when they got bored and killed Santa. It did take them a pretty long time to get up and down the mountain, you know. I don't know why, but that thing BlobClock did just never gets old to me.

I could tell you all had fun with this, hopefully as much fun as you depicted yourselves in it. Every individual part had a fairly unique aspect. It was weird when it came to NintendoClock because he looked like a present himself! In case anyone's wondering, you can just start at one part and watch it the whole way through. I like how you're all on Santa's lap when you move the mouse over your part.

She should enjoy it

It was great of you to do this as a Valentine's Day card for your girlfriend. I liked this more than the game because I actually thought this would have worked out better as a game! Then again, I suppose the other submission would not have worked well as a cartoon. This was extremely unpredictable and I love all the work you put behind it. Apart from having consistently great animation, you make us recall our youth. All the color effects look like they were used via simple crayons.

At first I thought the thing they were riding on was going to eat the ice cream cones. Speaking of that scene, it could have been longer. You may not be able to travel into an electrical socket with your girlfriend, but you can still have ice cream! It seems weird how someone made of ice cream would hate fun. The story was good and random.

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