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Quite entertaining

The time traveler really reminded me of "Invader Zim" both the show and the character. It was really on the loading screen where he had those spider limbs pop out. And like that show, this also had a good amount of humor. In fact, I think this is going to work out better as a comedy series than an action one as there was little action in this. While it could have used some more action, still very well done. I especially like how silly the girl is when she talks about God and stuff.

There's a perfectly logical explanation for her to be in that situation and it's at least scientific. The animation was flawless all around. This is the kind of cartoon that really wants you to know what happens next in the story. I have no idea why Brian went back in time or why he captured those two people. The idea of him being human was also quite original.

I am (or was) a Spongebob fan

It was nice to hear that audio as I could recognize it. This still needed improvement on a lot of levels, mostly because the animation was not that good. It seemed like the whole thing was random. How was "Earthbound" similar to the Spongebob Squarepants episode you were parodying? I guess the lips sync up well and everything, but it needs to make more sense. In case anybody is wondering, in the cartoon Squidward does not get to eat that krabby patty and I doubt Ness will.

The color effects are okay, but that does not distract you from the flow of the artwork. The score board thing at the beginning was also really weird. The audio clip used did seem to have the best quality either. It seems like you could have worked with sprites if you want to make it more authentic. The title also seemed random.

Zirch45 responds:

Well, to answer a few things you said:
Earthbound was similar because you can eat hamburgers out of garbage cans and that happened in Spongebob.
I HAVE tried working with sprites before, and that was not pretty ^^'
And I couldn't really think of anything to call it.

Transformers Vs. Evangelion!

This was great to watch if only for Transformers and Evangelion robots to fight and then be stopped by Godzilla! The Japanese were always fans of big things, weren't they? Anyway, the animation in this was really good, especially considering it was made in 2003. There were people who were working hard for what they could get in those times. I didn't even think of the Nazis so much as I did of the robot fight. The funniest part was when that one thing hit Joe.

I guess that purple dinosaur was some hardcore Barney parody. This cartoon had a really good feeling to it even if it could have used some better transition scenes. It certainly lives up to its name. It's also funny to see Joe just flap his arms and legs around so much whenever he's falling. A pity this seems to be your last flash, but great to go out with a bang!

Gaspar's back!

Gaspar is easily the most entertaining character in this. It was weird how there was a brief moment where the characters talked and you heard their dialogue. It seemed a bit out of place, especially when it talked about a boner and stuff. This is still funny on several levels, but it is bad for Chrono to have an abscence (except in flashback). Speaking of which, when was the last time that devil/angel shoulder thing was played straight? Nowadays, like both the angel and devil are evil or the angel is a vigilante; geez, it's good to see that trope back.

Anyway, this had lot of good moments and some really good sprite work. I do wish there was some more action in this. The part at the ending credits was the most action-packed of all and I do wish it was more like that! What matters is that you guys spend a good amount of time developing the characters. In case anyone's wondering, Akira Toriyama is the name of Dragonball Z's creator, and I think he might have created Chrono Trigger as well.

Clovis15 responds:

Akira Toriyama did the art design for Chrono Trigger, but much of the concept and writing was actually done by a man by the name of Masato Kato. As for the shoulder angel/devil scene, I don't think it would have been nearly as funny if we hadn't played it straight. Then again, the places that usually perform a parody of the angel/devil sequence are not trying to maintain an internal narrative consistancy like CTU is trying to do. On that note, I thank you for the generous comments in regards to all the work we have put into setting up strong internal characterizations rather than just having characters whose personalities change constantly just to facilitate a joke.

A game?!

This was well animated, but I could not find the point of it. The best thing was that the sprite work used was actually quite good. I do not quite understand how this was supposed to be a game because nothing happened except this single occurence. Still, I guess it was fine to look at something really short and random. Well, I believe it's an infinite loop so in the strictest sense it wouldn't be short, or whatever. While I have not played the "Punchout" series, I believe that black guy is from it.

Wait a minute. It took you over 400 hours to make this "game" because you were smoking weed while doing it! While I do not smoke weed, I guess this did work as a tribute to smoking weed. Why oh why didn't you air this on 420? Of course, seeing as how 420 is the anniverseary of the BP oil spill, Hitler's birthday, and the Columbine High School Massacre, the bad seems to outweigh the good.

Fairly disappointing

I guess I can not really hate this submission, because it does have pretty good animation where it is. It really does not succeed my expectations because there were icons of boobs on the preview image! It doesn't help that there was little going on in this. I guess you were trying to be decent by not showing us actually loli. That "Hare Hare Yukai" music and dance will simply never get old. I suggest that next time you work on making it more like the preview icon.

Then again, I did not pay much attention to the author's comments which did explain it. This could be much better in itself by probably being longer and having more jokes. I did like it how you could go back. The intro (well the icon at least) was pretty good. I hope you learn to take some time to do some more work on the premise.

powermanX responds:

i am a disappointment...ever since Vietnam i haven't been the same.

Close to decent

I am glad there are some people who do not just submit a single page for Clock Day. It's amazing how every single one made seemed to make it into the collection! It was also great to see CheetoClock, as I believe this is the first time I have seen him in action. He has a good design with the orange shades on him. It's also cool to see the characters go across the ocean like that. For something that uses Speakaphone (or whatever that is) it's amazing how you can put emotion in the voices.

The biggest weakness was that there was no music. A lot of times there were intervals of no sound at all and it got a little annoying. I think there might also be a glitch when the characters leave after defeating CabbageClock or ArtichokeClock or whoever that was. I think the animation culd also be a bit better, but it is traditional clock style. This is the second Clock flash I have seen where StrawberryClock appears as a bad driver.

ScrewClock responds:

thank you my good man

Rather good!

I like this one a lot because you just have no idea what the final punchline is going to be. Granted, you could tell from the title, but you would expect it to be something on the screen. It totally dupes you just like the character so you don't expect the joke. The customer looks a lot like Pico. It's weird to see someone who looks like him in a Newgrounds flash that isn't him! While not the most detailed of submissions, definitley very funny.

Judging from the title, I would have guessed this was going to be spam. The words just seemed so nonsensical. I guess you have showed that we do not have to put a punch of elaborate stuff in our submission to make it good/popular. The animation you did have was actually pretty stylistic. The voices fit the moods well too.

It's back!

I just really wish this would have been longer, it was just so funny as it went on! This is still great to watch because you can have just so much fun with it. All the characters in these sketches are complete idiots and we can not help but laugh at them. There were some that I could not understand, but overall it was hilarious. The funniest one was probably when the father said, "You're dead to me". It's great for being nonsensical like how the wife complains about not getting any jewelry.

It was a great idea to also end with the reference to that train guy. It seems like you could have ended with the guy punching the salad, but still good. It is hard to call these things stick figures as they do kind of have depth to them. It's great fun to just watch these fellows plop around in their environment. Please make it longer next time!

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