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Nothing in between?

While not as good as "Less Than Three" this was easily a fantastic cartoon to watch! It works that you put in so much detail into all the characters and settings! I especially loved the pirate ship with those cannons and everything. I had little clue what was going on, what matters is that I saw something truly amazing flash before my eyes! I love that little thing you did with the yelling at the intro. This was not music driven as some of other stuff as it was story driven.

It is amazing how much depth you can give to characters who only appear once in this. You have come a long way in quality animation, not to say your other stuff wasn't already great! In every single scene, there is something going on or something in the background. There is a feast for the eyes no matter when you watch this cartoon. The detail is fantastic.

Some of its smooth

I doubt it was your fault there was no sound in this. I would certainly know that there are a lot of things that go so wrong whenever you try to submit something here. I did, however, manage to like this because the animation was actually good. While it was not the best stick figures could offer, still quite slick. You may want to go on the forums and ask someone or look to see if it has already been asked. I can only guess as to what these characters were trying to say.

The one on the left looked a lot like Ronald McDonald! I guess it's kind of devastating to win a T*rd of the Week award, but at least it passed. There seemed to be something weird going on with the background near the end. It was like the cartoon created a superimposed version of himself. You could also find out how to end it.


This was a great way to get into the series if only because of that "tralala" song. That guy at the beginning is easily the best character in the entire show. I like how you do a recap because there are simply so many of these lengthy episodes it's hard to keep up! You showed a great deal of detail in this, especially with the wide shot of everyone in the town. The only thing that was missing was some action. If not for that, I would have given this a perfect 5.

This is still great because you have no clue what's going to happen next. It was weird how there was some spoken dialogue mixed in with just the words on the screen. The ending credits were just great, I wish there was more of that in the actual flash! I could not help but think you were influenced by Kirbopher's "TTA" series. Yeah, that's just wishful thinking.

Clovis15 responds:

I'm really glad you liked Fritz's Flashback sequence. Gaspar, the narrator, was first introduced because - thanks to College - the episodes were extremely far apart after I first took over. He then stayed around, even when things picked up a bit, because everyone loved him so much. I'm sorry that the series is often action lite, but in staying true to the original creator's vision - Cryokenetic - CTU is a primarily dialogue driven affair. I do try to spice it up with stuff every now and then, and Episode 25 in particular should have something particularly spicy in it that hopefully will be a "Thriller".

I love TTA, but I did not discover it until the summer of 2010... well after the time it had already died.

It's the candy hole!

Seeing as how this was the first episode, I was thinking this would show how the cat and rabbit got into the candy hole. Of course, it shows that in the intro anyway. The animation of this series is just great with how ridiculous the characters looked with their superimposed teeth and brains. I thought it was really funny how they tore the guy's arms off. He was about the only thing that was not made of candy, but it would not have mattered anyway. All the candy they ate bled like that guy did!

The set is easily the most enjoyable part of this series. As this is the introductory episode, there is not much that goes on, but it does introduce the characters well. It's too bad this series did not become that popular on this website, but at least it got a high rating. It's nice to always identify you by name on your author & file information. I like how you can still see the brains in the animals' mouth.

I don't think so

I am pretty sure that this is not the DOMOFlashVideos I usually think of. While I did like it how this managed to have some music, it still did not work out well because so little happened. I was expecting this to be like Tom Fulp porn or something. I am quite glad it was something different. The thing you guys need to work with is creating a background and having the characters move and not just have them being represented in square boxes. You should try to remove the box outline.

The good part was that it was kind of unpredictable. I did not see Jerry coming there from a mile away, but it was not that entertaining. It was hard to read at times. I thought for a moment there it said, "Tom Fulp with a foe" and not "Tom Fulp with a fox". Well, I suppose it would not matter if he considered a fox an actual foe.

Good spirit

I feel like one of those SNL skits where the guys misinterpret the title of something. I was expecting someone to make a "t*t le" joke. Anyway, while this did not have much effort, it is hard for me to hate because it is some standard stuff from the Clock Crew. Congradulations on being a member of such a popular crew. I suggest that next time, you should put some actual things where those words go. I guess the "words" part speaks for itself.

I guess this was supposed to be a satire or maybe it was just intended to be spam. Either way, I bet you had some fun with this, how long it took. You should also put in some music as even if you intend to make something silly, music is good. I suggest Weird Al Yankovic. The most admirable thing about this is the spelling is good.

Too hilarious

Of all the "Professor Layton" cartoons you have made, this is by far the funniest. I really liked how the dialogue kept going with the two yelling at the end, although that did eventually stop. In case anyone is wondering, the story was, "Once upon a time there was a baseball man named...". The animation is absolutely flawless and perfectly shows the ridiculous emotions of the characters. I love how there are just so many things going on at once. Like how there's a pixellated fire going around near a waste basket or something.

Granted, I have no idea what is going on at all, but that's how madcap comedy works. I love how the girl is so defenseless as she gets under the covers. It was really cool to cut away to those weird "Hangman" things and other designs. While not the most complex animation, the way these body parts just move around says it all. I love how he talked about a touchdown while discussing baseball.

What a nice clock

I admit that the picture of StrawberryClock in this was pretty good. It's not often you see one of those clocks that has those little clocks in the middle. I do not even know what those are for. I did not like it how I could not even tell what was being said in this. It looked like it said, "wabt CD 09". I guess the "CD" stood for Clock Day and the "09" meant the year 2009. I can not say that you guys completely did nothing on this, as you did include the 2009 Clock Day intro.

You guys should probably work on stuff like action. Apart from StrawberryClock's towel ripping in the intro, there was no action at all. It just seems like you could do a lot with SBC in this, as like I said before, he has a nice design. I am eager to see how there were so many people who did voices in this. I did not hear a single voice.

Hmmm, hmmm

This was pretty fun to watch, because it was simply so random. When I first heard the word "dubstep" I was thinking it was going to be about a gag dub like "Avatar Boredom". It turned out to be something that was entertaining in its own right. The best thing is how you zoom in to show the character's face's reactions. They just look so hilarious and they contrast well with the more simplistic animation. This is of course not to say that the animation was good in itself.

While I had little idea what they were talking about, I could still relate. It seems like every piece of music has some inconsistent way of how it says its sounds in words. After awhile, it just seems like everything's, "Na na" or "Da da". The funniest part was easily the very end when he looked so sad. It may not have had action, but still a good action flash.

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