View Profile Ericho

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Not really watchable

I like how you pointed out that it was hard to keep watching. At ten minutes, these cartoons are simply too long, and they need more things happening and more variety.

I have no idea

Like the guy said, I have no idea what was going on in this flash. But it was still pretty good!

Ok at best

I admit, the animation is pretty good, but this needed more of a story. I have no clue how this movie got so high rated.

It's me, Ericho!

It's me again! I'm glad to be the first person to review this! The sprites were good, although it was too short. I am happy to see this got such a high rating, just because it's associated with TTA! Maybe if you make some flashes with me in them, I'll give you better ratings! Hee hee.

Tails-Lock responds:

Sorry to say that it's got it score because this was uploaded on CLOCK DAY. Everything got a score over 4. I was planning to actually finish this episode before I submitted it but didn't want to waste the day. It will be updated later and be a bit longer and hopefully at least a little bit funny.
Though for a first attempt I do actually feel impressed with this. 1/3 TTA fans thought it was actually made by Kirb.
But do not worry! I will get better and better and better! And I'll take your "Maybe if you make some flashes with me in them, I'll give you better ratings! " as a yes to a question I forgot to ever ask you which would have been "Can I use you in my TTA flash movies?". You were really awesome, certainly the best new character in that season.


I was looking forever to review on this flash after all my points were made one day. I kept getting the name "SquareHard" wrong. But enough about that, this was a good flash. It was pretty lengthy, but worth it. My favorite is the one with Knuckles and Rouge.

Still good

DBZ and Matrix references might be old, but you guys still managed to make a ridiculously good flash. Again, I have no clue what anything meant, but the cherography and randomness is good.

Another good entry

While not as good as some of your previous work, it's great to hear from you again. I missed your flashes. This flash was bizarre but inspired as always. I wonder why the man didn't just use the knife to cut the tumor off?


This was the first animutation I ever saw. I remember seeing it, and noticing how it was unbelievably preposterous AND I LOVED IT!!! I mean, you have to admit, a lot of it is pretty creative, plus it's great to see all these pop culture icons in one place! The song itself is great. I had no idea it was about pokemon. I thought it was a love song! It is sad because I don't see many animutations on Newgrounds anymore. Why don't you make more? You're a great flash artist and I want to see some modern animutations from peole from you!

Good work

It wasn't fantastic, but I think the idea was pretty original. Also, nice job for putting Paradox's HP at 9001. I'm surprised no one else noticed that!

Paradox responds:

Oh, I'm sure they did. I just hope I don't get loads of shit from people claiming I'm trying to be funny by ripping off an old meme. Just a bit of fun, but I'm sure sooner or later someone will take it seriously.

Thanks for the review. :)


Ah, I never thought I would describe a satire flash as being "cute", but this fits the bill.

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