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Lo Pan? That's the villain from "Big Trouble In Little China"! Anyway, I think this was your longest episode. It helps that Tako ansnwered e-mails. I was never into veal. I just don't like the idea of eating babies.

It was nice knowing that about the pinch and dash. I though they meant the same thing. It was weird to see him invisible most of the episode. It was informative as usual. There was so much going on.

That was 15 minutes long. I think all combined this movie was 50 minutes long. It's great to see how much progression this series has made. This show has made should I say? I appreciated the action. It was at its best here.

The animation still wasn't that good. That's the biggest fault. I still liked it. It's amazing how far this story goes. To think, it all started with a crazy guy and his truck.

This is my favorite in the whole series. Well, I haven't seen that many episodes. It's especially nice to see how the joke escalates. It was a tad predictable, but still great. I love how the gunshot opened his brain. Dang, I'm sick.

The last line was great too. I can see why this won Review Crew Pick. I'm glad they weren't that casual about the kills. Well, the other cop was. I assume cops just beat up everybody.

I just noticed the Christmas trees in the background. Also, the snow. It's weird how many episodes I've watched and not noticed them. The poop was disgusting. It shouldn't have been on screen that much. That's one sick alien.

A shark attack? I'm still not into PETA. Great gang signs joke. It reminds me of one in MAD Magazine. It says sharks don't attack unless provoked so don't discuss religion or politics with them.

threebrain responds:

hahahaha do they still make mad magazine? :-O

The best part is how casual he is about being killed. Were the Brits or Russians crazy? I guess both are. I just love how polite they are. I like how the conversation goes on. Everything builds up nicely.

It's worth it in the end. Yeah, it must be hard to change the batteries in watches. The animation's pretty good. The black and white makes it. It's a very fun little cartoon.

The Moon looked like the Death Star. Well, that's probably only because the new Star Wars film just came out. He doesn't look like a crow. I knew they'd turn into a giant robot. This was actually pretty creative. It was a little too talky though.

This was good, just not great. The ideas were pretty good. I'm glad RaspberryClock didn't die. You could call me a fan of the Clock Crew. Well, not of StrawberryClock's stuff specifically.

fourchinnigan responds:

Wow. I didn't know people were still stumbling across this movie from 16 years ago. Thanks for watching.

This was my favorite episode. It was mostly because of that porcupine joke. I guess most people probably haven't seen a porcupine up close. Weird to include a "Part 2" with this when it's just one cartoon. Well, that was probably the joke. Weird how things escalate.

That's a strange kind of abuse. I like the animation. I thought they were going to re-glue the paper. They're no abusive for that. These are funny little cartoons.

A bear dog? I wish "The Colbert Report" was still around. It would make great material for him! Anyway, this was quite good. Albert Einstein didn't practice Judaism. Well, I guess he was still an ethnic Jew.

Technically, it's right. Hard to argue with a name like "Stein". Jimmy's last name is Pee. His family would bee the Pees. Good friends with the Poops.

threebrain responds:


I thought this was just okay. I'm not a fan of this series. It doesn't have anything that noteworthy about it. Still, I guess this wasn't bad for a quick laugh. I should have seen that ending coming. Lol, coming.

The animation is alright. The voices aren't too bad. It just isn't my thing. Well, other people seem to enjoy it enough to win Daily Feature. Good for you, I guess.

Wow, that surprisingly got comedic. Well, not quite at first. I wish there was music in some talking parts. Beeku's pretty cute. He is a bit out of place here. Sorry about you losing your job.

Well, that was over a decade ago. The pacing here is quite nice. I'm glad you got some recognition with your own section. The fight scenes could have been a little better. It's still nice overall.

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