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Loved the proverb. Hey, you actually made that relevant to the plot. Chuck E Cheese's must set some record for most parodied restaurant. I like the animation. I like how it shows their faces and lips moving. Melvin is easily the best character.

He's by far the most socially awkward. Dang, that's a weird way to wet your pants. I like how it all comes full circle. You know, the stuff with the crow.

I wish this had taken place in the store. Well, I guess it is the warehouse. I just wish there were more characters. Weebl and Bob work better with other people. I did like the Sweden satellite. I liked the Bat thing too.

Some of the jokes got repetitive. It was still mostly funny. Most of the jokes worked. It just wasn't the best in the series. I did like how it escalated.

Oh, you really did show the next scene! I thought that would be just a joke. I am very glad to say this was better than the last episode. It had a lot more jokes. I especially enjoyed the warehouse thing. Where do Weebl and Bob live?

Well, it's just a random background. It was funny to see that live-action guy too. Oh, Pikea is related to pie. Or it's Pie and Ikea put together. Dang, that last image was unpleasant.

This was good, but not great. I think the biggest problem was that it was mostly them stuck in traffic. That still led to some good moments, though. I like how it won't be that for the whole "saga". Yeah, this is the longest part episode you've done. The animation was fine.

At first, I thought "Pikea" had something to do with Pokémon. You know, Pikachu? I guess it was a pun on Ikea. I like how you set up a cliff hanger. Like that last joke.

While this wasn't good, I couldn't help but enjoy some of it. It's mostly because this really does seem like a heartfelt confession. Granted, there's not much that happens. The animation is pretty good. It's a shame Piconjo disappeared. Well, everyone really has now.

It just needs more activity. Well, most of these don't have any. At least this was authentic. I love Pixar! Who doesn't?

Wow, that was a huge collab. I had no idea there were more on the next page. I still really appreciated this. The best was the one where Piconjo fought the other characters. Pube Muppet never looked better. I didn't need to see that porn.

I wish the works were labeled. I'm glad it wasn't all porn. It's great that you made a tribute to Livecorpse. Yeah, I heard about that. There was a nice amount of variety here.

I admit I didn't like as much as most people. It was still good for me. I especially enjoyed the Matrix music. It's a shame it didn't get to the really good part of that music. I was impressed by how you talked about all the characters. I haven't seen every episode so I need that.

Most of the music is great. At least now I recognize that guy's name as Bat. It's always nice when different people collaborate. Hey, it had enemies that looked the same just like in "The Matrix" too! Yeah, that's referenced a lot.

So this is where it all started, eh? I'm impressed to see how far you've come. I missed the lack of color. I also missed the sounds the characters made. I still have to love this because of how important it is. The music's great too.

There was so much going on here. Even at the very beginning, you were so creative. It was so unpredictable. This series has been going on for 14 years! Must be a record here.

That was so funny! I still wonder why some klay men have blood and organs while others don’t. I just love the design of the Boogie Monster too. It sticks out so well. I noticed some white smudges on some of the klay men. It looks like you got a little messy.

This is still great. I love how they all die in different ways. You would make an episode about hot dogs later. I love those things! The voices are as funny as ever.

I wasn't expecting it to get that violent. Okay, there was no blood, but still. I did know there'd be holes. He looks all blown up. Well, I guess it makes as much sense as being shot all those times. The sounds were great.

Of course you'd do a cowboy theme! Maybe a pirate one next? Or did you already do that? If you kept the numbers, this would be the highest numbered series ever. The voices are funny too.

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