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That was brilliant! It mostly works because of the gorgeous animation. I seriously think that's some of the best I've seen in a long time. It's great to have you still here. Don't worry, animators spend a lot more time between flashes nowadays. Well, at least when submitting stuff here.

The voice was amazing. I especially loved the rhyming in the beginning. I knew it wouldn't work out too well. The colors are gorgeous. It's just such a beautiful looking cartoon. I could on all day about how amazing this is.

I thought this was just okay. I mean, it was just a single gag. It was pretty funny though. I don't know why you played "Who Let The Dogs Out" at the end. It was quite random. I guess the animation was fine.

There just wasn't much to enjoy. You spelled "cloths" wrong. It was just too short. I'm not familiar with this series though. Panties can be very funny.

Loved the Star Wars opening. The music could have been better there, though. Kobe Bryant looks like he's going to eat everyone. The animation is surprisingly good. I especially like the scene where Beebo is ripped out of Harry's groin. Wow, that's dirty.

The faces are quite expressive. That's not easy to do with live-action ones. This was a little too short. I like that pose Beebo's in. Poor cat.

Happy Patriot Day! Yeah, that's a thing now. I'm glad you acknowledged that we shouldn't hate each other so much. Well, it's been a long time and we killed Osama bin Laden. Not Ben. The animation doesn't hold up.

I'm glad somebody made a cartoon like this. You know, on this date. It did get serious at the very end. Shouldn't this be in the 91101 collection? Whatever, the satire was nice.

Why didn't Santa have a beard? All he had was his hat. It was weird how you mentioned Granny. She didn't appear until the end! This was still great, though. I loved the animation as always.

It's great to be topical. I mean, it's great to be seasonal? Anyway, while not one of your best, still a lot of fun. The mobility is as good as ever. Wasn't expecting a little kid to be tasered.

It's a shame this series ended. It had a lot of potential. It was weird to see her as a human. That little guy looks like Domo-kun. The bits with the Nameless One was great. Everything just seems so random with who the characters are.

I loved how he called her out on her skepticism. This just got more macabre as it went on. I really did love this series. I'm glad we got a lot of explanation in this episode. May this lesser known series not be forgotten.

This was funny. Okay, it wasn't much, but it works nice on a meta level. It's weird how it's turned off here. Yeah, George Bush did suck. Donald Trump sucks even more. Why wouldn't they want penises?

I thought it would actually show a scene from the cartoon. Random explosions are always cool. Random humor can work. The length here was good. I know what happens next.

Loved the "those are my new legs" joke. You can tell it's old because of the animation. It still has a lot of great jokes so the animation isn't that big of an issue. I also liked Tito. He has a funny censored sign. I love how they go into analysis about who drew him.

The eyes kind of remind me of LegendaryFrog's work. You know, his old stuff of course. This was a bit too short. It still delivered the laughs. I liked how he asked why there's a chaos mode. You guys were always funny.

I didn't understand this at all. Was it all just a dream? I at least appreciated it for how unique it was. I had no clue what would happen next. I especially think the animation is distracting. It's just too messy.

It was too long too. I guess some bits with the donkey were funny. I liked the ass jokes. Dang, I'm once again messed up. Well, at least it made front page!

Loved the "Doug" opening. I admit the drawings could be better. Even for 2002, this wasn't well developed. Dang, now I'm not caught up with the story. This really does have a lot of story to it. Hektor looks like a South Park Canadian.

Love that song. Squirrels can be mean. How can there be two eps for one Kermit Kombat? It was hard to enjoy with the cheesy animation. It just went on too long.

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