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I was impressed by the artwork. It was especially nice to see the fight with CarrotClock. I admit the animation was a little rough. Still, it's faithful to the Clock Crew. I can always appreciate that. It's always nice to see all the Clocks.

You guys spread pretty quickly. There wasn't even an official Clock Day yet! Then again, it would be more spread out before the actual holiday. It wasn't one of the best Clock flashes. It was still nice, though.

This was the best in the series. Well, it wasn't great but it was still good. It's mostly because of how fast Turbo Man was. I could understand him most of the time. I loved the expression on Dust Man's face. It works great for the running time.

More seemed to happen here than in any other short. That's what made it good. I'm not familiar with these bosses. Well, Mega Man has had too many to list. This wasn't that great of a series, but had its moments.

Yeah, I didn't care much for this. At least you acknowledge that it's stupid. Well, the rating seems to say otherwise! This was just underwhelming. It was nothing but a single introduction. Even than, it seemed padded.

The animation's the same. It just needed to be longer for a full cartoon. It would have been better as part of a compilation. You could have maybe released some of them in one cartoon. The voices weren't bad, I guess.

I had missed GMSU. I couldn't find it for the past week. I liked seeing these guys back. It was great how they actually went to a different location. Merry Christmas! I'm glad the alien didn't go on forever with his song.

I liked the montage of the deceased celebrities. I actually couldn't recognize most of them. There were so many! The Me Too hashtag women deserved their Person Of The Year award. This might be your longest episode ever.

threebrain responds:

hahaha tanks! Merry Christmas to you too. Yeah last week I had a cold and lost my voice :-X haha I tried to do a GMSU on Tuesday and my voice was so bad haha. Oh and then I messed up my Newgrounds password on Friday, so I actually did do an episode, but I forgot my dang log in. But luckily it got restored in times for the Christhams times.

Hey, the idea of literal shorts being shown was later done by "Nobodie's Shorts". They ripped you off! Anyway, this was just okay. I thought it was pretty predictable. I knew the robot would be stronger. I do like the goofy animation.

It's nice and silly. It fits the mood of the cartoon quite well. I do admit the animation could be better. It's fine for a short cartoon. It's just not that memorable.

Wow, Tom Fulp worked on this? I was so depressed this wasn't longer! It was too short! You had great buildup with these characters! I wanted to see more! I don't even remember how it's related to the other Arrogancy chapters.

It's so heartwarming! I was afraid it would be cynical. While it got dark, it never got rid of its positive message. I hope all goes well for this series. The little action you did have was good.

I personally didn't find this as good as the other episodes. It's mostly because there wasn't that much going on. The story didn't progress too much. How are they going to dig out of Hell? It's underground! Do they dig up?

That must be it. The voices were quite funny. Dang, Harry's had better days. I wish Beebo had more of a role. I like the title pun. You know, cat out of hell.

This was short, but it was awesome! I just loved the animation. My only complaint is that it was too short! It looked like StrawberryClock had tentacles at first. Those were just parts of his robe. I loved how he was animated.

Was that DoughnutClock? I just assume that's his name. I love when Synj was cut up at the end. It makes sense for the appearance of the character. Some clocks probably work that way.

That was very funny. It probably helps with how long it is. It's great to see how far you're willing to go for these gags. The animation is very nice too. We need more black and white stuff! This just came off as so authentic.

I thought the kids were doing a retelling of the princess and the frog. Instead, there was a prince and a frog. Well, they were probably too drunk to notice. The voices were too funny. It's a very solid cartoon.

I was wondering what him pooping would have to do with the rest of the cartoon. I though the only way would be if he crapped his pants. So he did! This wasn't very good. It was just a single gag. Well, you do say it was based on a true story. I'm sorry if that happened to you.

It could make good material for a cartoon. It just wasn't much here. I guess this could be funny. I'm getting used to the use of random songs. This wasn't much for me.

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