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I kind of wish this was longer, but this is still great for what it is. What's cool is that the animation is as fantastic as ever. You will never cease to have a colorful arrangement of characters doing random mischief. I admit, I was not expecting a scorpion monkey to come into this. At first, I thought it would be mostly a music video at full length. It was more of a one joke thing, but still wonderfully done.

I like how sinister and deadpan the voices are. If it's the same guy doing all the voices, then he's (or your) doing a great job. Once again, you deviated from having any recognizable characters as your stuff is so random, you don't need to use them. At least the guy behind it had his arm broken. I guess they are even in that sense.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

thanks ericho - i voiced the blonde dude and my friend peter voiced tony.

I honestly don't think I've ever seen a submission with such a high score! There was simply no way I could not give it a "5". What really makes this awesome is how the animation is simply fantastic. All of the characters are fantastically and flawlessly detailed. I had no idea this was going to be an actual series, I thought the teaser you made was just a joke. I guess it was a great way of telling us what we had in store.

I KNEW that they were just going to beat up and kill the snake wizard. I wasn't expecting them to say he actually won. It was even sweeter when you repeated the joke but did a great variant on it that actually made sense. The final joke was great, as it perfects the joke and perfectly establishes these characters. I guess these bars are going to be on all the Newgrounds movies, huh? It's awesome!

I loved this! It's too bad that you didn't get this out in time for Valentine's Day. Of course, being late never stopped anyone from doing something great before. I think the strongest point here is the animation. It amazes me how it manages to get better with every cartoon you make. I didn't find this to be as wacky as some of your other cartoons, but still great. That is definitley strong love.

I wasn't expecting dinosaurs to randomly appear. It was sweet how all the dinosaurs were differently designed. You put in some great action scenes and it was nice to look at them. It's a bit hard to follow with how absurd it was, even if it's not your wackiest. You really created a neat world.

This reminded me of that other submission you made where you had something that didn't make it into "Sesame Street". It really did seem like you took a bunch of random words and put them together. Well, I like it! It of course helps that you make fun of yourself at the end. Do all British people sound similar because your voice reminds me of Film Brain from TGWTG? Hey, it works as well as the Clock Crew.

It's always nice when you do your fans a favor. The result may not make any sense, but you're doing it for them at least. I wasn't expecting everything to just get blown up at the end. I guess that is kind of a cop-out. Loved the Super Mario Galaxy poster and stuff you had in your room.

I think the funniest part was when he said he was going to blow up his prostate. It kind of makes you realize, if he hadn't done that in the first place he wouldn't have been blown up. I can only root for the Creeper when he does that. What's also funny is how the animation was as fantastic as ever. I really should be expecting RicePirate to be the new TomAto. Have they ever done work together?

It was just great to see how ridiculous everything was in this. I love how the guy kind of explains the joke at the beginning of the cartoon. It might not work in other places, but it just works on a good meta level here. If people are as good as you, they'll never stop making Minecraft parodies. Unless of course, it becomes old.

I was amazed at how good the animation was in this. I guess I just kind of thought it to be a tad overrated, because there isn't that much that goes on here. Still, short cartoons can work if they are good and this one was good. I don't even remember a time where I played Contra with two people. Then again, I played most video games in my youth and I wasn't very social back then. Heck, I'm not even that social now.

It's interesting to see how this can work against both of you. I was in no way expecting a live-action scene to randomly appear. Nor was I expecting the other player to be a dog. Well, zaniness is something I always take great joy in, so I'll give you credit for that. The voices were pretty good, too.

Congradulations on having the best episode of the Minecraft TNA series. I knew it was only a matter of time before I would get to something that I would give a full 5 stars to. It really helps that the animation is some of the best it's ever been at. What's truly awesome is how they defeat the purple dragon. The funniest part was probably when the one guy put out his sunglasses and the other guy was annoyed by it. Yeah, I don't remember the character's names.

It even seemed a bit longer than the usual episode. I have never played the game, so I don't know if it's authentic to the original game. It doesn't seem to matter, because this was popular enough to win Daily Feature. The voices are all wonderfully done, too. I swear, I will never stop thinking that I have to click the screen at the beginning where it shows the start screen. It's an animation, not a game!

I thought this was pretty cool, because you got to see that guy in action. I prefer a protagonist who shoots and stuff, but this is still great. I guess you're just tiding us over until the next Madness cartoon. These shorter ones are still good. It was so satisfying to see that guy finally be taken down when he had a grenade or something thrown inside his head. Those explode after impact weapons are awesome.

I thought it actually was done in a pretty realistic way. You got a nice sense that these guys were trying hard to take him down. They should have brought more guns. I lost count of the body count after 17. The animation is as good as ever too.

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