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Is it just me or does the animation remind me of Archie comics? If I was going to be tortured, might as well be something as hot as Blackie. Yeah, never thought of Eva as that good looking. She was a lot less horny too. I remember back when everybody hated the Backstreet Boys. We thought they were the most annoying singers out there.

Boy, where we wrong! Nowadays, it would be much better to do this with Justin Bieber. I like how you can use different devices at the same time. They even let him keep it at the end! That just struck me as sincere in a really twisted way.

Yeah, the hairstyles are pretty odd, even by the series standards. I still remember that the original series was goofy at times, of course. The styles don't look good, but the actual cartoon is great. It's wonderful to see how something so old holds up. The music is rather suiting too. I wish I knew these characters' names.

You actually did get pretty unique designs for these guys. Everything moves quite fluidly. I like how you try to put somewhat of a story in this. The colors are really nice. Some animation could flow better, but it's still really impressive.

I was really impressed at how fast paced this cartoon was. I have not seen the original. I'm not interested, as this seems awesome enough in its own right! The animation is wonderful. Maybe I should see the first one to understand it more. The music was very impressive as well.

It has a great mood set up. You get a great perspective of the action. It just keeps on going. I didn't realize you had to choose yourself for the action. It really does hold up.

It was great how you listed how long it took to make. I really do appreciate the fine details in this. There are many interesting character designs. I have no idea that this was based on a video game. Whatever it is, you're probably doing it justice. The sounds are great too.

Some artwork doesn't hold up. The close up with the iris isn't that good. It's still quite interesting. You have so many great pieces of music here. This WAS pretty long for its day.

This was very weird, but I did like it. When I heard the title, I thought it would be an instructional video about cooking. The title is pretty random. It's nice to see your other work besides "Banana Phone". Then again, I really didn't think that was a classic to begin with. You were smart to have that music at the end.

I love the swirling rubber ducky. I like the joke about getting blood on him. I just really like how surreal this whole thing is. It's just random jokes, but it is pretty funny. It's still too short.

It's weird to go back to a time before Episode III or Episode II for that matter. I truly appreciate the animation. I will complain that it seems to be too slow paced. It's just the same attacks with Darth Maul over and over. I'm glad most people enjoy at least this scene. The colors were still good.

I think it could have also been a little shorter. It's still a pretty good cartoon. It's interesting to put Sloth in all these situations. While strange, it does kind of work. It's pretty unique.

Was this the first Saint Patrick's Day thing submitted here? It certainly doesn't hold up well. I didn't know this would be divided into parts. None of them were all that good. I mean, I suppose the animation wasn't that bad. It was pretty cheerful.

The music replayed on top of itself when I replayed. You know, two songs were playing out of sync? I guess there's nothing that bad about this. It just has nothing good, either. The atmosphere is pretty good.

Why does this guy have an antenna? Is he supposed to be an alien? I don't think the animation has held up that well. It was a little anti climatic. I do think the set up was good. I mean, it's funny to show him eating nails in the flashback.

Wouldn't he notice that while he was eating them? This is at least passable. You could have probably used some spoken dialogue. I did feel kind of sorry for this guy. That must have really hurt.

I just found this to be okay. It's interesting to see your first cartoon. I mean, I do like to see your early work. I just don't think this is that funny. I do like the voices, though. It's seems like you could do more with cats and dogs.

That movie was pretty bad. I don't know why that dog has a green spot. I thought it might have been something wrong with my computer. The artwork holds up pretty well. It's just weird to see something from you non College University related.

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