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I really did like this. It was great having no idea what would happen next. The animation and voices are wonderfully cartoonish. The ending was quite unexpected. I wasn't expecting something that random. I like how you don't show us the surgery.

We all should download articles on human anatomy. It's just great how happy the robot looks. It was a bit too short for me. I feel bad for not liking this short stuff more. I understand working on a tight schedule.

jessejayjones responds:

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words! :)

Dude, this was exactly 1:04! That means that when I look in the middle at 0:32, it said that on both sides! Maybe you don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, I was disappointed this didn't do that much. It was too short. Of course I know how hard it is to work with a deadline.

I really did like the animation style. It was like chalkboard drawings. I liked you talking about how the genres. I'd like to see the ideas the robots came up with. Congrats on this being non stop.

I really couldn't get the point of this. It was just this guy shooting another guy at the end. There was barely any sound in it at all. I don't remember those commercials. They sound pretty dumb. The animation isn't good here.

There needs to be talking in the beginning. If I was more familiar with the commercials, I might like this. It doesn't seem to be worth my time. It's just a strange cartoon. Oh, this was submitted on the anniversary of Columbine.

What can I say? Great as always. I really do appreciate how good the animation is. It just keeps getting better and better! My favorite part is the very beginning. I know those women are speaking backwards.

I'm not going to go through all the trouble figuring out what they're saying. My favorite joke might have been about those side effects. I find myself rooting for these guys. I guess I don't love it as much as most people. You're still nice and fresh!

Sexual-Lobster responds:

ooh sweet ericho 5 stars remain elusive, not this time.

It is kind of sad seeing as how this doesn't hold up well. It didn't seem to have any bigger meaning. It was still nice to see something way back from 1999. They even had flash back then? Dang, have me come a long way. It's still nice to see stuff about this time like the Clinton administration.

Yep, I remember when we were all making Monica Lewinsky jokes. A pity it paled in comparison to the bad stuff in the next administration. You need better animation. It was still fair for its day.

Happy Robot Day 2016! These submissions often have two categories in them with the robot jam. It seems kind of redundant. I still appreciated what this was. The animation was pretty funny. If only it was a little longer.

Of course, you had a deadline. It looked like the robot's eyes were covered in blood at first. I knew it would be destructive eventually. That last gag was really funny. That's why I wished you did more with it!

Radnimation responds:

Hey thanks! Yeah it was tough getting all that out in 2 weeks, I posted it with 30 minutes left before the deadline. But I would have definitely loved to make it longer if I had more time

The length was perfect. I admitted to being really eager to figure out what the punchline was. I knew this whole thing was a riddle. Wait, why was it called a parable and not a riddle? I guess it had more of a narrative. I appreciate the animation.

It makes little sense. Couldn't he still report him to the police for smuggling? Sure, he can't himself arrest him, but other people can! Of course, it's just meant to be a short, cute little cartoon. It succeeded in that.

I didn't care for this that much. It's mostly because it was just a loop. Okay, I have no idea how to make a loading screen, but it still stands out. I also didn't think the animation was that good. That was probably the point with the robot. At least it's kind of an original concept.

The guy's voice wasn't bad. It was just a bit boring. I do like flashes that are themselves about teaching flash. I'll never get into that myself. I'll just stick to reviewing.

HipnikDragomir responds:

The loop was unintentional. The mp4 transfer blocked out the line of "using Adobe Flash", so I threw in the raw swf at the last minute. Otherwise, meh. A quick, simple idea. Thanks for the review.

Wait, this really happened to you? I find it unlikely it came out just like that. The animation was great in this. I was easily able to recognize the voice of Warlord-Of-Noodles. You got TmsT here too! It's been too long since I've seen stuff by that guy.

The music was great. It's too bad this wasn't submitted around Saint Patrick's Day. You shouldn't have done it around Robot Day! Everyone will avoid it! This was a very funny cartoon people should see.

WooleyWorld responds:

FUNNY STORY it was supposed to finish months ago.....
And yeah that was Betsy and Andrew. Andrew's a busy boy.

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