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I'm sad to say I didn't love this. It wasn't quite my thing. I could at least like the animation. It's quite unique. It's been too long since I've seen a frog. I like how this had a story. That always works.

It was fun to see all those silly frogs. It was interesting to have no comprehensible dialogue. I guess it was realistic that way. I'm glad it wasn't too long or short. It's a nice looking cartoon.

This was great even though it was short. I loved the animation. I'm glad it didn't get too obscene. Then again, it would have been rated A if it was. The voices were great too. I seriously didn't know Kirby was going to do that at the end.

I'm glad he did! You actually represented the games pretty well. It's rude to call people that. I'm glad they kissed and made up. Literally.

That was easily the best in the series. Hey, this was submitted on my birthday! Well, most of them were. This was quite satisfying. You send off a very powerful message. The music was beautiful too.

I knew you'd mention religion. It's a very good looking cartoon. Well, as good looking as something lacking of hope can be. You deserve the highest score here. It was pretty sad.

I admit to not being the biggest fan of these cartoons. This one just seemed kind of bland. Still, there wasn't anything bad about it. I mean, it was just a pretty standard story. I'm glad to remember their names. Of course the submarine is named Sublo.

The voices are pretty good. I do find myself kind of liking these guys. I wish this wasn't so short. I wanted to know what would happen next. Well, that's a good thing at least.

Not one of your best, but still fine. The best part is probably the animation. That one joke about running around the whole world was great. The buildup was really funny. I don't know why the girl slapped him at the end. Was she supposed to be his girlfriend?

They didn't seem like that at first. Most of these characters don't have visible teeth anyway. Well, you could see his gums here. The colors are good. You have still done better.

That was quite good, but it was too short. I especially appreciated the animation in this. It was really nice to see how detailed everything was. You told a good story without any words. Not many people can do that. I just love the backgrounds.

It was weird to see the more cartoonish looking people. Well, they were just drawn differently. I wasn't expecting that guy with the gun. This was pretty unpredictable. It's still hard to put together.

I just found this to be dull. I mean, it's nothing but this bland animation about a guy going to the bathroom. I don't see how it was about an important mission. Well, lots of things can be important. I especially think it's too short. It needs more variety.

I never understand that expression "when nature calls". It just seems so random. What's with the word Missio? Did you want to make the title unique? It's just odd.

LazyHatzBoosterNG responds:

firstly I appreciate your feedback on this and will take your advice but this animation is from 2014, and as for the word missio it was because of the character limit on titles and i just never got around to fixing it. although it is nice to see people are still seeing my stuff! Happy holidays to you.

That wasn't too bad. It was just not much. It's at least nice to see a cartoon from you. I'm glad this meme has variants. I was confused on how to find this. There are at least four cartoons here with the same name!

Well, at least you used the original series designs. Yeah, that was a long time ago. I guess this was just forgotten. Why was this so popular anyway? This scene wasn't anything that interesting.

That was probably one of the best executions of this meme. Why isn't it confirmed? It's everything on this website! Or at least it was. That movie was pretty dumb. At least it had some funny stuff with pizza.

I liked how he vanished. Well, that's all I can say. It's obviously the real audio. The sequel was better. Well, it still wasn't good.

I actually did like this. I admit that it started off pretty badly. It got better particularly with the reveal of the arrow hit. I liked the reveal of Ganon as a fat guy too. The CGI is very goofy. I thought that this would be 2D.

The thumbnail was 2D. Turns out I was wrong! I felt the length was good too. I was afraid it would be too short. Instead, it worked quite well.

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