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It's hard to judge something so short. It was just a single gag. Yeah, those turtles looked ugly in that movie. I was kind of reminded of Shrek. It does make you wonder why this is a meme. I mean, it's nothing that noteworthy.

It's just a random clip from a trailer. That should be confirmed already. I did like the animation. It isn't much, but it's something. It wasn't much.

Dang, I feel so stupid watching this and not knowing more about it. I mean, look at this long description you have. I don't know that much about "Mega Man" nor about "Mega Man X". I appreciate the awesome animation. It was great to have the Japanese language too. It was so authentic.

I don't know how it got its title. Oh, one of them is a fake. Everything just looked so beautiful in this. It should please any fan. Well, I'm not one myself and I was pleased.

I did not care for this. It was strange because it was just so little happening. I thought it would be a poem. Well, it didn't rhyme. I guess it could be free verse. The animation wasn't good either.

I just want more. Oh, I guess it is an infinite loop. It seems to be off. I can see why this is the lowest rated submission for Valentine's Day 2014. Well, something has to be that.

Once again, I'm the only one reviewing. That's what I get for getting prolific. I thought this was just okay. It's cool to see where the series ends up. We finally get to the last one. I admit the voices were annoying.

Well, that might have been the point. Your animation isn't too bad. I was just expecting a bit more for the finale. Well, it wasn't that good to begin with. Merry early Christmas!

I was quite impressed by this. I knew it would be too dark to actually show someone being electrocuted like that. Well, not way at least. I like how he's still in the chair. The facial expressions were great. I especially love the blue guy's eyes.

It looks like he's already being shocked! The title's kind of a lame pun. Then again, we're used to that. The length was great too. It was a perfect multiple of doubling (as in if you multiply one second over and over this leads to a common factor).

I was confused as to how they used snowball guns. How are those supposed to be lethal? I didn't see any blood come out of the bodies. It was much more satisfying when they used actual guns. I'm glad it got to standard Madness stuff. I like the idea of a samurai Madness guy.

Merry early Christmas! This is as well paced as most Madness cartoons. It certainly holds up. Okay, it's not old at all. The music's pretty cool too.

This was too short. At least you acknowledged that it was crappy. I knew Santa would get injured. I'm glad it didn't get too graphic. They're putting up Christmas stuff already so this was appropriate. You shouldn't have made it an infinite loop. That always looks bad.

Of course, I have no idea how that works. I'm not an artist myself. The animation wasn't that bad. It just wasn't funny. Glad I didn't see him too exposed.

toxicbomb responds:


The infinite loop happens if its an SWF (flash player video) and you don't add stop() at the end(I think thats it... :/ been so long)

I think I wanted to make something just to let people know that I was still interested in animation and to also get in on the Christmas animation action.

It seemed funny in my head, then it was "ok" after I finished it. That happens, everything seems better in your head or is better, then you try to make it like you imagined and you realize it's hard work and you take the path of least resistance.


For something so short, it wasn't that bad. I think this was the shortest in this series. The voice was pretty funny. It was weird how the herpes kept changing places. They just disappeared and reappeared everywhere. It was certainly weird.

There wasn't much animation here. It was just a reindeer. At least it was kind of original. Those must have been very red. Probably shouldn't think about that.

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