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I hadn't heard of any of this. Really, a cure for AIDS? You'd think that would be big news. Well, it was just on one guy. I hear little about college nowadays. 3.8 doesn't seem so bad.

That alien is so funny. Glad to be back here on Monday. If there was life on Mars, it probably wouldn't be that developed. You know, microscopic organisms. Still, it's better than nothing.

threebrain responds:

hahaha you never know :-O

Why is the score so low? At least the one other review likes this. I was impressed by how goofy it looked. Okay, I guess it was cheesy, but I don't care! That made it funnier! The artwork was so silly.

I really wasn't expecting that ending. I admit it wasn't great, but I still enjoyed it. It had a pretty good style for itself. I thought that was Wade Fulp at first. I guess I think all live-action people are him at first.

This was better. At least you acknowledge that it's the worst. What about Missletoe? That's not really the worst character. Well, I guess I've never seen it before. The animation wasn't the worst.

Your other stuff is far more entertaining. I never realized how prolific you were. I wish Jimmy Pee was back. At least it was self aware. It's just nothing that good.

That was awesome! This is why you are one of my favorite artists here! Of course, when you have that awesome TTGL song you can never go wrong. Every second was just awesome action! I was confused by its length. It was great to see it again.

Again, I want to hear that song as many times as I can. I saw a Sonichu pony. Sonic, Pokémon, MLP, one of anything! It was fun recognizing all these characters. I'm not a poster on 4chan but am aware of the infinite number of memes they've spawned. Oh, and Happy Veteran's Day!

I guess this was better, but it still wasn't good. It was just a fetus for the Universe. Is that the same tree as last time? I guess I'm getting used to the characters. That's an odd statement to make. I suppose the animation wasn't that bad.

We're counting down Christmas at Wal-Mart anyways. The voices weren't that bad. It just had little to do with Christmas. Where'd the pee go? Should have made this as part of a compilation.

I didn't care for this. It was just a tree peeing. It was certainly weird at least. It just wasn't appealing. I guess the voices weren't bad. I like that intro with the reindeer pooping the words.

That couldn't save this, though. It was just one joke. I understand it was meant to be short. It's just nothing interesting. Your other stuff with Jimmy Pee is much better.

I like how this is set up from the previous cartoon. Well, one of the previous cartoons at least. I just like the idea of this wreath being so psychotic. Why is it even like that? It's just funny. This was longer than most of the other entries.

You still managed to get the joke in a short time. The voices quite make it. The wreath sounds like the announcer for Brewstew. Well, a lot of deep voices sound similar. So do high voices.

I admit that this didn't start off very strong. I mean, it was just a guy on a couch watching TV. It got much better the more it went on and showed more goofy antics. I like how you do a lot with a simple concept. There was certainly effort here. I love how he has cartoonish eyes at the end.

Dang, how many Daily Features have you won? You'll just never run out of ideas. I like the idea of a couch attacking people. Uh, Happy Veteran's Day? My grandfathers were veterans.

I was very impressed by this! I guess it's because I'm such a big fan of Game Grumps. I finally finished the JonTron era. This was great. I'm surprised the rating isn't higher. Maybe people were turned off by how short it was?

Lots of great cartoons here are short. The graphics are quite nice. You really see all CGI stuff here. That's for theatrically released movies. Yeah it was short, but fun.

This was one of the best episodes. I guess it's only because you mentioned Louis CK. I was thinking that someone who was casual about making rape jokes would get into some kind of trouble. Well, he didn't rape anybody, but it still wasn't good. I've been seeing so much of you lately. I'm not a stalker, I promise!

Anyway, I like that alien. You need good characters. I didn't know that about OJ. Holy crap, he's on the loose! Nothing good can really come from him.

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