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Dang, that sounds like Hell. I was never in ISS. You know, In School Suspension? I love how you make fun of your own drawing style. Yeah, it's not that good. I did have to clean the lunchroom once.

It was because I didn't do my homework. Yeah, my school did that. If you didn't do your homework, you cleaned the lunchroom. I guess it wasn't really detention. Well, that's still preferable over this.

Uh ,why was this without sound? It was about a concert. I'd think sound would be an important factor! I guess the animation was nice. Aww, Blackie isn't in bikinis anymore. Her nipples are still pretty stiff. This would have been better as part of a compilation.

I remember I to V. They were all submitted as one without sound. I guess VI didn't have any talking bits either. It just had swimsuits, which is fine by me. This could have been better.

This series is so prolific. Of course it would have a Christmas episode! Or a Christmas cartoon I bet. Apart from the top notch animation, this was really heartwarming. I didn't expect him to be happy in the end. That rarely happens in these cartoons.

I can also appreciate the present he got. He really does do a lot with it! It's funny how it's set up as something big. It's actually just as awesome! Merry Christmas to you too!

Aww yes, I remember Elian Gonzalez! That was a huge controversy. A pity this seems to date it now. Well, it's hard to be topical. You have some spelling errors. You spelled finally "finaly" in the author comments.

Sorry, I'm into grammar. Well, that was spelling, not grammar. Blackie is so hot. Any cartoon with her in a bikini gets a good score from me! I'm still not much into porn, though.

I was wondering what Smell-A meant. Oh yeah, LA! I could tell from the location. I haven't heard of these stories. I liked the tree tings. That actually is a question a lot of non Christians ask themselves. Well, I was raised very religiously so I wouldn't know.

Weird things happen on planes. Hey, I gave the last vote that needed this to be protected! Awesome! I don't know if I've ever mentioned that in a review before! That taco the alien was holding looked nice.

I thought this was okay. It's always good to see Christmas stuff. My favorite's was Stickblue Lock. He had the best animation! A lot of the animation did turn me off. I liked how you used different speaker voices. I thought I might have heard a regular voice in there somewhere.

I don't know what Glorton is! I've heard of it though in regards to the Locks. Merry Christmas, Locks! This was probably a bit too long. Still, it has the mark of the Lock Legion.

I wish this trailer had showed more! I mean, it was just saying that four strangers got a message. I want more explanation for the series. I'll need it for something this massive. It was great to see this animation. The music was wonderful.

It probably could have been longer. It still set everything up pretty well. It doesn't reveal too much. Basic trailers just show you the story. This was still entertaining.

The animation is really good. I actually tried telling jokes on an open mike night but nobody ever really came. At least I tried. The bit at the end with the kissing was easily the best. I love cartoons like these. You get to see stand up come to life.

My toy was Legos. Those lego movies were great, mostly. I never heard of this guy before. I have a cousin with kids. What would that make me?

I'm so glad this doesn't use the new flash format. I don't want to see it move like a movie. The atmosphere is so brilliant here. While not a fan, I can still appreciate how awesome this is. The music sets the mood up perfectly. I love how it just features an ordinary guy at first.

This really was sexual. You know, all the talk of semen and everything. Programmer/cracker? That's not a nice name to call a white person. I recognize that dial tone.

It seems like these episodes are getting longer. I just noticed the weather duck has a Santa hat. How festive! I like the "Kans-ass Shitty" joke. Loved knowing that about the penis and balls on that guy. You'd think I'd hear more about that.

I'm trying to memorize the intro. It's funny how you mentioned the alien thing. The actual alien in the series then showed up! Francis looks like a giant piece of poo. Jimmy's voice is funny.

threebrain responds:

hahahahaha best review ever

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