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Hmm, that was pretty strange. I'm just going to call the character Dawn. I've never played the mainstream games. This really wasn't about vore. I'm glad of that! That looked like a Red Gyarados.

I know that was something from the games. The animation was quite good. I guess this just needed more of a story? No, it could have used more jokes. It's still definitely good.

It's been too long since you've submitted something! I'm so glad to be looking at how unique this was. I haven't played any of the newer games. The animation was great of course. I knew he'd get that heart in the end. You know, you could look at my avatar...

I hope to see more stuff from you. The enemies really stood out here as well. There's a good amount of action in this short comedy. Everything's just so cute here. I haven't seen your stuff in a long time.

I loved this because of how, uh unexpected it was. I mean, I wasn't thinking it would be that dark. I'm also glad it wasn't too long. I thought this would be another Saturday Morning cartoon submission. I loved how you show these vectors. It makes you appreciate the work and effort put into it.

How can you call the police if you're dead? This was different than most of your cartoons. You deserve credit for Daily Feature with everything else being about eggs or Saturday Mornings lately. It's still a very impressively laid out cartoon. This might even be a series.

Oh, I get the title now. I like how quaint this is. You know, with how it's just about painting. The animation is still amazing of course. We just need to have a Newgrounds channel on TV. Oh wait, a better thing would be like NewgroundsFlix!

Whatever, this is awesome! I don't think Clock Day has given us this many high rated cartoons. I'm so glad this creativity will never die out. This is actually kind of a sad cartoon. I'm glad to be watching it.

Wait, why did the tankman come out? It was a Madness cartoon! No one cares, as it's just funny. Dang, our jams get better constantly! I remember the first tankmen cartoon shown. Well, it wasn't the exact same dialogue.

Everything was once again wonderfully creative. You tell a lot in such a short time. This even seemed different than most VHS filters. Maybe it could have used more sequences. It was still amazing.

I loved this so much. I think it might be because I thought it was going to be just an intro at first. Instead, it showed something like a cartoon! Well, still short but wonderful. Saturday morning cartoons didn't say "bitch" so that actually makes sense! Well, they did do show cartoons on Comedy Central on Saturday morning.

I love the animation of course. The tankmen deserve to be in something this funny. It gets great jokes and even action for something short. Well, all of these are short. This might be my new favorite cartoon in this whole series. I'm glad it won an award.

kcj567 responds:

So glad you like it!! Really appreciate your kind words, hopefully you will enjoy part 2 as much as part one :D

devoidgazer responds:

Difficult to animate and an even greater challenge to PG the Tankmen series in general haha! I'm pleased that it subverted your expectations even if it was a bit short. Good thing it was planned ahead in case we didnt make it in time, the jokes worked themselves out in the end :]

This was really funny for something short. I can think of some things that are pretty big. Please don't make me think of parental incest. I'm not a furry, but this was beautifully animated. Yeah, beautifully. The dialogue just flowed perfectly.

Yeah, it uh flowed well. The voices really just came off as so real. I hope you don't do something with Rouge. Wait, what am I saying? Please do something with Rouge!

The ghost was great in this. It did kind of meander. It was just amazing, especially with how the ghost used up all the ink. Yeah, I know how hard that can be. Well, I don't even have a printer anyway. At least not one that works.

I'm glad this ghost got nicer. I really thought it would be more disturbing given the title. I'm pretty glad it wasn't. I'm glad I didn't miss this one. You've been around for a long time.

Wow, you already made your second cartoon! Well, at least your second submission here. The animation was amazing! It looks like a picked a good guy to subscribe to! No medal?! Well, we're rating everything high nowadays.

I did like the ending. That's what he gets for abandoning them! Of course, I'd do the same thing with a wife like that. I'm not that into "Resident Evil". Anyone can still enjoy this.

Alakamame responds:

thank you! thats actually a little detail i try to do in my shorts, its either you have played the game or not, you can still enjoy the short

I loved the cartoonish approach. I mean obviously, it's a cartoon already. It has outlandish stuff like zombies, but not cartoonish as in humorish. It's a great tribute to cartoons. Well, it is already a cartoon. Look, you get my point!

It really is something different for cartoons. It actually makes sense that a bomb couldn't kill Tricky. Well, these characters never die in their own cartoons anyway. Hey, this is a Saturday! How appropriate! The title shown did make it seem like a remake.

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