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At first, I thought he was going to be annoyed by how he couldn't understand the boyfriend. I certainly couldn't! This was still really nice. The animation was spot on. I just now realize how small the boyfriend is. Well, this just uses a different frame of reference.

How do I keep discovering these great cartoons? At least this one was frontpaged. This makes Clock Day look like nothing! FNFAJ is a pretty long abbreviation. How nice he wants those flowers so much for his girlfriend.

Beep boop? That's how they literally communicate? I guess that makes sense. I was expecting more action. It's still a great cartoon. This must be the biggest jam ever on Newgrounds. It worked well as an intro.

This has become more popular as flashes than games here! Then again, there's more movies here in general. It doesn't even quality as a jam anymore. It's just a meme.

This was a lot of fun! It's mostly because it's a lot cuter than the previous installment. Yeah, I know that's not what Pico shorts are meant to be. This was just a sweet little cartoon. I appreciate the lack of violence. Again, that oddly worked out here.

It's fun for a short little thing. You must be beloved to have such high ratings. Pico's still around! Well, the day can never die. That's just when we put special emphasis on Pico.

I think this might even make a new rule on the Internet. There is FNF of it. No exceptions. It did seem to look like porn at the end. At least the fly joke was done earlier. I like the father in this.

He seemed to have more of a distinct role. The title did make it more apparent. Seems like I heard Motherf*cker being said in the rhymes. I don't even know what they mean. I haven't really followed the game that well.

Shyvernal responds:

Thank you for the comment!!

This was certainly good, but could have been better. It was just too short. I needed to have more going on. These were great representations of the characters. I just wanted to see them in action! That's what Madness is all about!

Boy, was Project Nexus huge. Is this early Madness Day? There's an infinite number of stuff related to our holidays too. It can be viewed anytime. The animation is easily the strongest part.

Okay, that was definitely funny. I just don't think it deserves this insanely high rating. It's too short. I do love Lil Pico's voice. The red blood worked well with the black and white. Everything's based on audio nowadays.

It's nice for a quick laugh. Uh...it's not quite informative. It's hard to be informative in 21 seconds. It's just good for what it is. It's cute and somehow also violent.

00:27 was the best part. There was still great animation all around. I just loved how bizarre everything was. You had no clue what was going on. I love all the gags like how his arm comes from off the screen. I even like how you find out what happened to that one guard Wario flicked off.

Wow, is your style distinct. That's one long list for a Misc. Kit. I never really noticed that before. Must be a new feature. Certainly worth laughing with.

It looks too old to be frontpaged. Whatever, it's still great! I do appreciate the relationship between him and his girlfriend. Or I guess, just girlfriend. It is quite well animated. I really felt sorry for him at the end!

I loved the Grinch grin. Hey, "grin" is a part of Grinch! No wonder he grinned! It seemed like he had two mouths at the end. It was mostly goofy.

Wow, what a nice cartoon! I have to admit it didn't look that interesting at first. I really did open up to it as the plot came along. Yeah, something this short can have an interesting plot. It's great that you are humbled. You uh, deserve that?

I thought it would be more violent, I suppose. Instead, I'm glad it was quite a sweet cartoon. We do need more stuff like that here. It need seem more like a short movie than a Newgrounds submission. That's a compliment.

Yeah, I know about "Plants Vs. Zombies". You don't see many tribute flashes here. For a music video, this worked great even though it was short. I didn't quite understand it at first. I knew I had seen the zombies before. ZackScottGames made hundreds of videos about this.

I live in an apartment. I'm glad we no longer have to mow lawns. This would still be cool. You tell a lot in only 20 seconds. What a unique premise!

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