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I KNEW Bruce Wayne would appear at the end of this. Or, I guess, Batman. Seriously, this is a pretty funny cartoon. It does make you wonder if he ever asks that. Then again, superheroes don't have to make much sense. The animation is really quite good in this.

It must have been awhile since I've seen your stuff, because I seriously don't recognize it. I guess I know about too many authors here. It could have been funnier, though. It was kind of just the same joke, but still good. I appreciate your work.

Yes! I am finally understanding the continuing story of this! I always hesitate to give this the highest score. I mean, you make so many of these it's hard to really say if one's better than the other. Either way, this is still awesome. I love the part about the pasta the best.

I'm no pervert, but I know people who are. And seriously, who doesn't masturbate? The animation and voices were as great as better. Fernando's got great hair. Of course this will win Daily Feature.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

YAAAAAAY the coveted ericho five stars.

Wow, I think this may be the longest episode you've made! You really get a lot done here. Then again, I might just not remember how long the other episodes were. The voice work was great as always. Oh hey, Joshuar Tomo is back! It's been awhile since I've heard of him.

I had no idea people thought redminus was Zone-tan. Then again, there was kind of porn in his stuff. Morrigan had a massive chest in that cartoon. The fanart was pretty good. I'm going to go with the explanation that this started in 1999.

I love this cartoon. I can at least remember the other ones in the series. The animation is probably the best part about this. You really have no idea what monster's going to show up next in this. I recognized most of them. Well, some weren't quite monsters.

I thought the voice was really good too. I'm glad this won Daily Feature. It's great to hear him saying he'll just leave at the end. I was seriously wondering how he'd get out of that one. Considering the economy, he might not be able to.

I was quite impressed by this! At first, I didn't think it would be interesting to see a cartoon version of this. I'm glad there were so many variants. This is really popular with artists too! I love how you mention the money you donated. I can see why it made front page.

I don't quite understand the Nick part. I knew that would happen with the acid. Nice touch with the dinosaur at the end. I'm glad he turned out okay. This was very well done.

NCH responds:

I guess you arent a 90s kid? nick is nickelodeon, which back in their haydays of the 90s, pretty much famous for their slime, and their gameshows always dunk kids in slime.

its more of a hommage to old 90s nickelodeon

Dude, I have never heard of you before! This is one of the most brilliantly animated things I've ever seen! I hope to see more of your stuff. The voices are absolutely perfect as well. I'm glad it kept up being so adorable. A lesser writer would have had something more violent.

You seem to remind me of Zeurel. Again, you're great in your own right. It's amazing how simple it is. It doesn't really build up to a climax or anything. It's simply a wonderful cartoon to watch. I can see why so many people love this.

Dang, even cartoon characters are getting in on the action! I love this, because it's just funny to see hurt babies. Yeah, we're all a little like that. The dumb voice was perfect too. I think that's becoming more popular than the Cinammon Challenge. Those babies look pretty ugly.

If I'm doing this, I want to post it online, damn it! I've seen this player on another cartoon. Is it something new here? It works well in its brevity. Don't worry, babies can't get Alzhiemer's.

Aw, I love this series. The voices are just spot on. This is exactly how these characters would sound in this scenario. I knew it was going to be a porno. Well, to be fair, there was some stuff besides porn. Piglett deserves to be shot.

Everything was just so funny in this. I wasn't expecting Mickey to be credited like that. Honestly, I wasn't! It helps that the animation is great too. Piglett sounds funny, but he still deserved to die for shooting that heroin into Mickey.

At first, I thought this was the same as something else. I am glad it was different. I was in no way expecting that downer ending. It just seemed like such a happy cartoon. Then again, with guys who look like this, it can't end well. I guess there won't be a Dinner with Mancubus.

Well, it would be really freaking dark. The best thing in this was probably the sound effects. Honestly, that fireball sounded like it was coming straight towards me! Oh, it was an unwanted guest. I suppose he deserved it, then.

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