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That was awesome. I knew it would just be a preloader. You still did so much with this. That's a lot of characters. I'm surprised you had Ingus. I was about to recognize most of them.

The best part was probably the mallet. I knew Pico would appear at the end. We need more stuff like this. I liked the penis stuff at the end. Or I guess, the beginning?

Did that really happen to you? Dang, you really are more messed up than me. I would never do something like that. Maybe I'm just too nice. Well, nobody ever really did that to me. My brother is named Mat!

He's not my little brother. I really shouldn't talk about him more. We used to play video games too. We're a lot more into the Internet now. That's why I'm here.

I thought the artwork was great. It was just too short. I appreciate the action that it does have. It's perfectly serviceable. I have just seen better stuff from you. Do people use Pico Day to vote for 5 on everything too?

You know, like Clock Day? Neither of them are really around anymore. I hope you did well on your exams. There was definitely effort. Uh, Happy Pico Day!

I thought this was going to be a cartoon featuring the other Newgrounds characters. I mean, it is called NG Showdown after all. Well, the alien hominid did appear briefly. His scene was awesome. This really did seem like a collab. There were a lot of different styles I saw.

You're probably just that talented. Aww, back when Pico Day meant something. It's great to see your take on Pico. Everyone has interpreted him. Well, the basic characterizations are the same.

I admit that it starts off kind of slow, but it gets much better. The best segment is easily "Papa Of War". It has the best animation. Hey, I know that paper bear! It's Terri from "The Amazing World Of Gumball"! I love that show!

It's interesting to do a collab on a conference. You really do divide it up very nicely. For a collab, it probably could have been longer though. It still delivers the laughs. I'm glad for that.

It's great to see this series continue. This episode was longer and therefore better. Was he buying the food for himself? He doesn't seem to have a pet. It's great to see Catface play off of other people. I'm glad more characters appear later.

Interaction is crucial to good comedy. It's great to see how casual Catface is about everything. He doesn't seem to want to annoy anybody. He just has trouble communicating. That's understandable.

42? Hope you're a fan of "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy"! Oh wait, you're really 27. I feel old now. It's always great to hear people talk about their special day of the year. I recently had mine!

These really are some deep cartoons. You'd be surprised at what you can learn. It's great to know you're still on this website. Most people have moved on to the other one. You have a nice name.

I don't recall the episodes being so short. This is still very cute. I like Cat Face's advice at the end. It's usually good. I was especially interested in how he treated the old woman. He really is a nice guy.

It's pretty easy to describe him. This gets a lot better later. I love all the bright colors. All these episodes are worth looking at. This does need more story.

Aww, this was too short. These cartoons are usually longer. Well, it was still enjoyable. The animation is great. I thought this would be more of an introduction. Well, this doesn't have much continuity.

It's more episodic. Hey, I just found out what that means exactly! The music is as good as ever. The fire was really funny. It helps that Cat Face has such a soothing voice.

That was seriously hilarious. The best part of it was probably the beginning. I just love how Burnt Face Man talks to the picture of God. Well he is God, so he probably is still speaking with him. I love the next joke where the picture of Bastard Man literally talks to him. Wait, he's right there!

It's just so many laughs from beginning to end. You might be better at jokes than serious stuff. Great to see how things escalate with the shooting too. This was just so funny overall. These are always worth checking out.

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