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This is one of the strangest cartoons I've seen in an long time. I mean, it's Sonic fighting Winnie The Pooh. I do love both characters. It could have been longer. I just wish it would have made more sense. It's still a good cartoon.

I guess they're fighting because they're both yellow? I didn't even know Sonic had a real yellow form. I thought that was just a fan thing. You know, a tribute to "Dragonball Z". The sounds are quite good.

AnUnfortunateSnuggle responds:

Thanks for the comment! I think I do intent to make it longer in the future but in all honesty this was just a practise animation to try my hand at frame by frame! I only chose these two as they have a simple character design and a fight scene doesn't require any nuanced or complex character acting aha

Sonic has had a yellow (super) form since his second game, which I believe actually was done in tribute to Dragonball Z. But yh, if I make it longer I'll try and think of some contrived reason for them to battle!

I admit I had no idea what this would be about. The Frank was referring to "Frankenstein" of course! I'm glad you did a black and white parody. I do wish these would stop reminding me of last Easter. I got no Cadbury creme eggs! I can't even find a gas station with some!

I knew he was really Igor. Well, Egor I guess. That monster does kind of remind me of a centipede. Don't make me think of a human centipede. It's still great.

"Soldier" is spelled wrong. I admit these are getting kind of repetitive. Then again, that's not really a problem. The action is of course awesome. We do get great dialogue from the little we have. Everything is as beautiful as ever.

It's so impressive how you advance the story. Okay, I admit I've forgotten most of the story. It's still great to see this mythology set up. I had no idea this would have so many episodes. The bull probably has the best design.

At first, I was afraid this would just be filler. You know, not much action. I was quite delighted to find out it did have a lot of action. Well, some at least. I don't remember giant robots. Well, maybe I wasn't paying much attention.

The animation is as great as ever. Yeah, I'm not keeping up with it that well. I'm not the biggest fan of this series. I appreciate how popular it is. Well, at least how high the ratings are.

I love this CGI! Well, it's not great, but it's great to see it here. I wonder if most flash cartoons will ever use that? Probably not. I don't think the tankmen had an identity until recently. Well, recently as in the time this cartoon was made.

I'll have to remember he's the Captain. Like I just said, this website has a lot of mascots. There will never be an Alien Hominid day. He won't even have a collection. I'm glad people were so active this or that Pico Day.

You're probably better at drawing beautiful women than anyone else I've ever seen. I still wasn't turned on by this tank women. I mean, it's just a regular tank man with boobs. That isn't to say this isn't great of course. I guess there will never be a Tankmen day. This website has so many mascots.

They really do look just like the tankmen. I can still vaguely see a unique design. The green eyed guy was easily the funniest. He just stood out so much. You keep the good material up the whole time.

It's easy to see why this has such a high score. The animation is of course incredible. I think my favorite part is the main character. It's great how oblivious he is to everything. He's so likeable in how dumb he is. Those demons are in fact pretty hot.

I'd probably take up the offer. This is just the right length too. You get in as many jokes as you need. I hope you make more as this would be a great series! It certainly has potential. It's great to see hot people get mad.

Sorry, but I didn't enjoy this. It was just me touching Pico. Boy, that sounds dirty. I do admit that I like the backgrounds. They were better than the actual game! I don't see how it fit Pico.

I thought something violent would happen. That's what Pico is all about! I guess it's at least not one of the worst games ever. There were only three things you could do. Happy Pico Day anyway!

I have to admit I wasn't very impressed. It was just too short. It was mostly just Nene stepping on Pico. I thought that Darnell would come and step on her. The animation is still good. It just had little going on.

It would have worked better as part of a collab. A lot of really short cartoons here are like that. You're still talented. I wish you were back. Heck, I wish most people were back.

Okay, that was really clever. It helps that Luis and Almightyhans are two of my favorite artists. Actually, I know most of you guys. I wasn't expecting the collab to have different options. Thanks for the scene selection. It allows you to not have to choose.

Well, you should know what I mean. I understand the title. I love that loading screen. We actually have numerous Newgrounds characters there. That elevator music never gets old.

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