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I love that PatreonO's ad. It gives the cartoons a true sense of realism. I still don't give out money like that. I admit to knowing little about "God Of War". I at least know what it's like to be funny. This RPG bit was great.

It especially works because of how serious the source material is. You actually have pretty good action here. I could even see this as a real game. You should make it! Well, most of your stuff is like that.

This was good, but not as good as some other stuff today. I especially like the simplistic animation. Those dot eyes always get me. I'm always reminded of "Peanuts". It's hard to say too much about something so short. I just seem to assume everything is a comedy.

I mean, it certainly had a funny ending. It did have some action. Well, lots of comedies can have great action. It was just too short for me. I liked the colors at least.

I admit that while I love this show, it is hard to get through the gross parts. I guess Chris Kyle wants a new body. At least he wasn't a conspiracy theorist like Jesse Ventura. That makes even less sense than religion. If you mock him, I will gladly rate that cartoon a 10. The animation is still technically great.

This might still be the best episode because it has a great plot to it. You seem to have more continuity. I noticed there's no normal colored people here. It's to green what "The Simpsons" is to yellow. I guess Chris Kyle just wants a new body.

That was another great cartoon from you! I admit I had no idea they would actually go to Heaven in this. I don't know much about step siblings. That's still pretty gross. I really thought this would be about chicken nuggets. I've never heard of someone doing that with their nuggets.

I mean, I know people do it with fried chicken. That has so many bones it's hard to get to the meat. I've always had that problem. Well, this is more about Heaven. Wait, I think the 33 thing is a reference to Jesus!

Wow, that was longer than I thought. I thought it would just be a music video. It seemed to be too short when the title came up. I'm glad it was a lot more. These characters had such goofy designs! The voices fit perfectly.

It's certainly a different kind of idea. Everything moved very well. I like how the villain had spider legs. Those are just something I look at artistically. It had a good story for ten minutes.

Well, that was awesome. See, I said well? Anyway, I guess he did get what he wanted. I'm pretty sure he could escape now, assuming he lived. I wasn't expecting it to be that good. The animation was amazing.

It was perfect for a short joke. You worked well for a joke like this. I liked how it wasn't too short. You had some good action there too. The whole thing could have been just a pun.

This was a great cartoon! I do love it when people imitate old timey cartoons. I don't even know if I've seen any silent cartoons at all. The best part is how creative it is. I was expecting it to just be the same thing like the creepypasta. It actually had great variety!

I do love that Dumbo music. It's one of my favorite Disney songs. Well, it only has one minute for words out of four minutes. I just love the layout. I'm glad this became a meme.

That was a fine little cartoon. I will admit I don't like it as much as most people do. The best part is probably how serene it is. I guess it doesn't need to be that elaborate. It's still a nice little cartoon by itself. I wish I could whistle.

I like that flaming pickle logo. Those frogs are pretty cute. That is indeed a hat. You do have good animation with what little you show. I just don't love it.

I loved this if only because it mocked "Family Guy". They really deserve it. I was never really into that show. I don't hate it, it was just never for me. I love this animation of course. I doubt there was an actual episode like that.

They would have had nothing but cutaways from the episode. I love them saying, "'Remember the time?" over and over. There have been some episodes with up to 16 cutaway gags! That isn't talent. I still like Game Grumps more.

How did this not win Daily Feature?! I think it's one of the best FNF cartoons ever made! I just loved the animation! I thought it was going to be a parody of "Psycho". Well, it's not under tags, so I don't think it was. The music was great too!

I should have expected a downer ending like that. Well, that guy was a demon anyway. The censorship joke was great too. You showed such fluid movements too. That sounds dirty. It had some of the most unique lyrics too!

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