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Lived up to its name

It's hard to judge experimental flashes, because well, they're experimental. In my eyes, they're mostly just made for the purpose of making something. That being said, I still wasn't too fond of this. It just seemed to be the same image over and over, and it wasn't a song that I am familiar with or that I find to be particularly good. It actually does look like that's a well designed robot. I am glad you submitted it on Robot Day.

It's a pity it didn't win anything with the high rating that it has now. I think its weakest point might be that the color seems off at times. Then again, I doubt it was even supposed to be that good. Dancing is fun, but when it's just that and nothing else with the robot, it's not very interesting to look at. Having plot is more desirable.

Punisher responds:

You are such a stupid faggot.
Why aren't you dead yet?

I missed this?

This was a really nice submission probably because you have such a personal level to it. It's stuff like this that makes me wish I was younger, as I'm 22. Then again, my brother is 27, so I guess we all have someone around to make us all feel better. I simply loved the part with the voices in your head. Yep, I doubt that will ever go away forever. I noticed that you were reading a Kurt Vonnegut book at one point and I know this because I have books like that myself.

You're one of the few guys here whose real name makes as much sense as his username. I hope you live on to have a long, happy life, friend! I liked how this celebrated all the stuff you have gotten yourself into over the years. That elf kind of looked like Dr. Robotnik. Wait, I've seen designs like that before, I should have noticed that earlier.

So awesome

Okay, I'm going to stop asking to be a voice in your work. This is a great short. I was wondering when the next episode was going to come out and it seemed like it would be soon, but this is certainly enough to bide my time. It's so great that the animation is so wonderful. I have always been a huge animation fan and it's pretty easy to say that I prefer this over the original sprite episodes. They were of course great in their own right, but this is a good reboot.

I especially like how these characters are such good contrasts. It's rare that you see a villian team where one's a lot smarter than the other. There are so many good, strong facial expressions and actions being shown off. This is stuff that makes me proud to be a fan (and a part of) TOME. The funniest bit was the guy cutting short stating his sexuality.


I knew Officer Dave was going to beat the crap out of at least one person in this. This wasn't as good as the first one, probably because of the villians. Then again, we did see a Nazi Pirate come back. I simply adore the animation in this. Everything looks so wonderful and you never lose that innocent tone even as more deranged things show up. I guess the dinosaurs were supposed to be zombies as well. I think the funniest part was when Billy mentioned the battle mech was their natural enemy.

I could have sworn the bum was going to bite the dust. Bob himself didn't seem too active in this. What really made it all work was the fantastic animation, which really does make it look like it came from a high quality children's book. It's too bad no more episodes were submitted. This was still a great series while it lasted. I also love how stupid Billy sounds, especially when he's running in circles.

The classic

While not one of my favorites, it is great to see something so popular. It's stuff like this that really makes me proud to be a member of this website. While there isn't much of a story, everything is made wonderfully. I especially love the great use of bright and vibrant colors. I think the best animated character here is probably the witch, especially when she's flying on her broom. It makes you imagine a typical day in this crazy world.

It was weird to hear actual dialogue being used if only briefly. It's simply a very pleasant cartoon full of wonder and imagination. You manage to really show a cool variety of original looking creatures in this. You just never know what is going to pop up next in this little adventure. I am proud to be a fan of yours and this series.

Get outta my house

I think this was probably my favorite Skyrim parody. I've seen so many it's about time I picked a favorite. I guess it might seem kind of racist because that was the main reason why I found it so funny. I have mostly seen your stuff with other people, so it's weird to see you work as an artist on something that doesn't have that many actors. I imagine that would happen in a more realistic representation of the Skyrim universe. There are probably few black people there.

I really like the animation and the ending has a great twist to it as well. I knew you wouldn't abandon the funniest part about your cartoon. It was also cool to have links to all the other awesome submissions you guys have worked on. I am glad that I unearthed this one. It won't be long before everyone here has a Skyrim parody.

Does it not have that?

Does Go Animate not have a "Play" button? I think that nearly every Go Animate cartoon I've seen here has been one that was an infinite loop. It probably didn't help that I know little about the show and thus could not understand the jokes. Of course, I am just not a fan of Go Animate. I will always remember the animation revolution as being one of my all time favorite cartoons here. Classic flash will simply never die out.

Maybe you could do it on other websites, but not here. I don't recall a single Go Animate cartoon that has ever popular on this website. I guess it could have been worse, even though I'm not sure how. The best part was probably at the end when you mentioned killing parents. The voice acting doesn't seem to be good either.

How flashy

Wow, I was not expecting this to be another music video. I thought Weebl might be credited, but it's something you've apparently been working on by myself. I love this because of how ridiculous it is. How can you get cocaine into a gorilla's stomach without it dying or ingesting the cocaine? The answers might just confuse us more with the questions. I am glad that I have gotten to know these characters more.

It's nice how you consistently keep up this great style of animation. The scariest character is probably the transsexual or whatever that she-man is. It's great to see how everything flows so well in this. Infinite loops should be used more, it can be strenuous pressing those replay buttons over and over! This really did have a story too.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

ericho one day you will give me a 10 and the heavens will part and i will ascend.

It's been awhile

It kind of makes me sad when I realize it's been so long since the "Matrix" films were released. Of course, there will always be new things to make fun of. It's especially good to see how unique everyone's animation looks. I think my favorite would probably be Pikanjo. I think my favorite would probably be LegendaryFrog's, because there are simply so many good references in it. You guys all have different styles and jokes in each part.

It's nice to know that these are made by people who are obviously fans of the movies. The jokes can be pretty random, but they are still lots of fun. The voices seem to sync pretty well with what is being said. The funniest joke of all was probably when you said about not drawing Neo and Trinity having sex. It's always nice to look back.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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