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Those are some nice looking Lego creations. At least Cat isn't in an incestuous relationship with his cousin. Yeah, later episodes. The animation is quite nice. Would "My Little Pony" now be one of the Elder Gods? I'm glad I could understand the Richard Gere joke.

I see a lot of parodies of "Dungeons And Dragons". Never got around to playing it, though. I've heard of how annoying bats can be. You have a lot going on for a 12 minute cartoon. It helps that it's creative.

This was really a very sweet little cartoon. I like how he gets with her at the end. I was wondering why he was so scared of the frog. I guess he was afraid of her turning into one. That was pretty funny. I like the use of colors.

They were fully colored in this time. The facial expressions are so good, especially the freakouts. They're what makes this animation. This series just goes on forever. You'll probably never run out of ideas.

I was wondering what TMASET stood for. This is the best episode in the series! I knew it would be awesome when God was first mentioned. God really does make everything better. The voices are so slick. Those are some stiff nipples.

I probably shouldn't think about that too hard. Congratulations on all of your awards! I'm glad you use the same characters. I didn't realize the Mexican dog was a recurring one. This was very fun.

I don't know why he mentioned Bingo at the end. I did find myself kind of liking these characters. I'm just not that familiar with them. It's nice to see this good animation. It really did feel Mexican. I could see this happening to the characters.

I'm still not that familiar with them. The voices are all very good, especially the big dog's. Yikes, this won a lot of awards. I feel bad for not giving it a higher rating. Well, I still at least liked it.

I didn't find this to be one of your best submissions. It's mostly because it's too random. Well, I'm glad you explain why you did it. You just felt like it! The newspaper looks more like a bone. It was weird to see a human in your stuff.

You might want to be more distinct with your voice. I liked the ending. It was pretty funny with how it suddenly became so violent. I missed the Klay men. They're funnier.

I wouldn't vote for that. Blackie's way hotter than Eva. She's totally more of a whore. Still, it's a pretty funny scenario. I liked the call back to the other episode. Glad to know she doesn't repeat her punishments.

I'm not a fan of "Sailor Moon". It seems fine from what I have seen. The animation is really good, especially the anime like segments. The voices are pretty good too. Anti-Barney humor was still prevalent.

It's great to see where this character started. I especially enjoyed how it was like a bunch of sketches or short films. The best was Day 2. I like how he reacts to being disemboweled. It all makes a lot more sense in the finale. Yeah, that's something everyone should watch.

The quality still seems low. It just seems too pixelly. Is that a word? The voices were pretty good. It was fairly unpredictable.

That was very fun, but it was also too short. I wanted to see more slapstick. I forgot how violent these cartoons got. This was quite creative. I especially enjoyed the "Dexter's Laboratory" costume. That was a good show.

Oh, Rihm's the name of the cat. I thought it was the other way around. The animation was mostly good. It's still a little rough in some patches. I just liked it.

I love the image of Beebo as a soldier. Great to see him in action too. Was his dream supposed to be his origin? I liked seeing the happy live-action faces of the soldiers. This really does have an ongoing story. Well, it's not that surreal.

I think this has the highest rating of anything you've ever done! The action was quite nice. The grenades looked like cherries. Dang, I remember when John McCain was more relevant. Well, he wasn't running for President at this time.

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