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I bet it never ends

It's stuff like this that makes me proud to be a giant animation fan. The best thing about this is how each and every character has a different and specific design. It's amazing how the colors are so bright. Everyone just walks around in such a fantastically goofy fashion. The music is also pretty good and I really think the music's title is funny. I could just go on all day describing how awesome these guys look.

If you look closely, you'll find that some of them are not even animals. There's a bath tub and an airplane going around at one point. You even get to see some animals or creatures that appear to fully be created from your own imagination. While it has no plot, it certainly doesn't need one. The tone is fairly cheerful, if non-sequitor.

TheBoogley responds:

I never knew you were a giant! It all makes sense now :)

Happy 50th!

I am so proud to be a fan of yours because you won't stop making good cartoons. The strongest point here is how awesome the animation is. It reminds me of how good the animation in the actual show is. I guess people mock Princess Celestia because she did banish her sister for a thousand years. You'd think someone could use the Elements of Harmony to help her. Well, the history of MLPFIM is foggy at best.

I just love how you put so much emphasis on the utter insanity of this character. It's also great how there are all of these rocks and words flying everywhere. I loved the bananas reference. Anyone stuck in the same place for hundreds of years would snap like that. At least Nightmare Moon has an excuse.

Not too bad

I was actually somewhat touched by this, because it seemed like you really put your heart into it. Is this based on something that actually happened to you? If so, then I do feel sorry for you. There are always times where our families get into fights and we want to leave. It's something I can certainly associate myself with. I suppose we all have our special place where we want to become secluded, but realize we can't stay there forever.

I thought it was pretty cool how you put a lot of variety of the speed of things going on in the background. I am actually referring to the Newgrounds logo and nothing in the actual cartoon. I know that might sound kind of insulting, but it's still something to take note of. You could probably do better with the animation, as it isn't well defined. I hope everything works out for you.

Could have been better

I didn't quite understand the appeal of this. I guess the animation isn't that bad, but it is not as good as most of your stuff. I have learned so much about "Team Fortress 2", I should be able to understand an joke. Then again, I've never actually played it, so maybe that's the kind of experience you need. At least the voice (for what little there was) was pretty good. I guess I'm just more used to elaborate stuff made by you.

Big fans of "Team Fortress 2" should probably have more fun with this. I have played online games with other people. I guess I'm just not the kind of person who gets really absorbed into that stuff, because I'm not angered by it often. You could have probably put in some more music. It's hard to judge something that is so short.

Vote 10 here?

I think this might be the first time I was encouraged to vote ten on something. While I decline that score, I will give this credit for being very creative. I know you are always going to be around to give deranged cartoons to us. It seemed like this was trying to be a satire or something. At first I thought it was just about nature, but with the snake and the naked woman you got all into religious text. I don't know what this is supposed to represent.

Maybe it was about how Mother Nature is abused by man? I'm guessing that makes as much sense as anything else. The music was really good and set off a great tone. It was weird how she was depicted with small breasts even though she had the long hair and size of a woman. For all the wacky insanity in this, it's well worth it to watch!

That's funny

I guess those guys have a lot of teen pregnancies in their lives or something? I am not familiar with this video game series, but certainly appreciate good humor. What also made this was how good the animation was. You normally wouldn't expect something to look so good when it's played for laughs. I especially love the facial expressions of the guy he is fighting. I am not familiar with this, so I do not know the characters' names.

The music was also nice and really set the mood. The only thing I didn't like was that it would have been cool to show the fight. Then again, that might have ruined the joke. It's great how you still have that nice voice. I can understand why you, RicePirate, are so prolific in nearly everything you do, given how popular you are.

RicePirate responds:

Thanks for the review :)


I was surprised this lasted so long with something described as being small. I've seen cartoons that have nothing but less than twenty seconds in them. This just shows how good an artist you are! I felt this might have been a satire of the Cold War. Seeing as how the Cold War ended a long time ago, I guess it was more about just getting new stuff. That's quite relevant in today with all the iPads and iPhones we have around.

It could have had more music, but it was still pretty decent to listen to. It helps that the voices are spot on. While the voices themselves don't have much variety, they're presented in an organized fashion. There will always be rivalry with new technologies. I suppose that "new technologies" is kind of a redundant phrase.

Why isn't this more well known?

Well, at least it was featured on another website. The coolest thing about this is how you just have no idea what is going to show up next. I don't understand why you coined this new term "flovie" but it's pretty cool. The colors and effects are very nicely done in this. As all of us played arcade games when we were younger, we can all remember this. A pity those arcades declined, although there are still a few around.

I had heard this song before, but I had no idea that it was sung by Van Halen. It's amazing how many beautiful worlds you discover in this cartoon. Jumping is probably the most important part of being in a platformer. For something done with sprites, it's quite colorful. I also love how this has so much spirit and joy in it.

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